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Past Updates
Missed an update? Or just curious about what has happened with the site since it opened? :P Well, then this is where you need to be. Enjoy! (Oldest updates at the bottom)
December 2007 | January 2008 | February 2008 | March 2008 | April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 | September 2008 | October 2008 | November 2008 | December 2008 | June 2009 | July 2009 | August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 February 2010
February 20th, 2010 at 12:41PM EST - Happy (very belated) New Year! :D All of the October updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, 1 new member has been added to the Fanlisting. :) ~ Melissa
October 2009
October 29th, 2009 at 12:39PM EST - 2 new reviews have been added for "Mega Man Star Force: Zero" in the Fanfiction section. Also, 1 new member has been added to the Fanlisting. :) ~ Melissa
October 21st, 2009 at 9:04PM EST - All of the September updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, 1 new review has been added for "Behind Olive Eyes" in the Fanfiction section. Next, 1 new hint was added for the third game. (Thanks to Hikaru Sora for finding it! :D) And finally, 2 new members have been added to the Fanlisting. :) ~ Melissa
September 2009
September 27th, 2009 at 12:04AM EST - First, I'd like to apologize for lack of updates. The end of August wasn't very good to me and this month has been hectic in itself. Despite this, we do have a new hint up for the third game thanks to Hikaru Sora! As always, I'd like to remind everyone as nuts as we can be, we do miss things, so go ahead! If you have to hack the game to find something DO IT. ...yeah, sorry, ignore my insanity. But yes, thanks again to Hikaru Sora for the new hint and go check it out! NOW. ~ Jen
September 7th, 2009 at 11:41AM EST - All of the August updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, 1 new member has been added to the Fanlisting. Yay! :D ~ Melissa
August 2009
August 22nd, 2009 at 1:19PM EST - 5 new chapters of "Mega Man Star Force: Zero" have been put up. Sorry for the slowness T~T This week has hated me. In another note, for those "Behind Olive Eyes" fans, the author has let me know that they've refound the final chapter and are just touching it up, so if you've been waiting for it, it should hopefully be up by Monday. ^_^ Yay~ Also, a new FAQ question was put up as well! ~ Jen
P.S. I totally screwed this up--the updates from oldest to newest instead of newest to oldest threw me off XD But, if you would all be so kind, send us a feedback form and let us know if you like this way or the old way better! Thank you! August 15th, 2009 at 1:03PM EST - 1 new fanfic, "Mega Man Star Force: Zero," has been added to the Fanfiction section. ~ Melissa August 14th, 2009 at 3:08PM EST - 1 new review has been added for "Behind Olive Eyes" in the Fanfiction section. ~ Melissa August 1st, 2009 at 2:43AM EST - All of the July updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, new images have been added to the Concept Art gallery. :D ~ Melissa
July 2009
July 25th, 2009 at 2:07PM EST - One new hint has been added to the RnR3 page! ^_^ Thanks to Loverly Light for contributing it. You can find it under "The Beginning" section. ~ Jen
July 22nd, 2009 at 9:37AM EST - 2 new Luna Fan-Made wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section. :) Also, when I was doing this update, I think I made just about every mistake that I could possibly make. Apparently I got really rusty during the 8 month break we had. XD; ~ Melissa July 19th, 2009 at 7:58PM EST - Another new fanlisting member has been added ^_^ ~ Jen July 12th, 2009 at 12:22AM EST - New fan listing member has been added! ~ Jen
July 11th, 2009 at 1:26AM EST - As a quick note, I made a Team on MMSF3 for Geo x Luna (I say and use the English names for the Team as it's the English version XD Please realize you can still join no matter what version you have) ^_^ If you'd like to join, please send a contact form to us through the contact page. Please realize there are a few requirements in order to join (Not by us, but by the actual game). The Requirements: July 9th, 2009 at 2:27PM EST - Another new fan listing member has been added ^___^ ~ Jen July 8th, 2009 at 2:50PM EST - Two new hints have been added! One for RnR2 that Melissa found and the other for RnR3. Also, Luna's and Subaru's bios have been updated with stuff for RnR3. Please realize, they both include HEAVY spoilers so if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look! ~ Jen July 8th, 2009 - 2:04PM EST - We're baaaack...well, mostly. Fan art gallery is still down. If you see anything not working (besides the fan art galleries), please let us know so we can fix it! Thanks :D Also, for those who may have not seen the last update, we have new fan listing members (and thus, hit 50!) and a new theory up! ~ Jen
June 2009
June 30th, 2009 - 10:09PM EST - Thanks to Ralphrius, we have hints from the first chapter of Mega Man Star Force 3. Check 'em out in the Hints/Proof section. :D ~ Melissa
June 26th, 2009 - 7:18PM EST - 10 new members have been added to the fanlisting. Sorry to those of you who waited so long to be added! ~ Melissa
December 2008
December 20th, 2008 - 6:42AM EST - We have several new fan listing members and the Luna Wallpaper Project has some new additions. WSA's 1 year anniversary was also on the 18th/19th so Happy Birthday, WSA :D That is all. ~ Jen
November 2008November 26th, 2008 - 10:22PM EST - Yes...Jen and I are STILL playing Animal Crossing: City Folk. And no...we don't know when this distraction will go away. XD; However, today we've got 1 new fanfiction added to the Fanfiction section, so check that out. Also, if you celebrate it, have a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! :D ~ Melissa
November 20th, 2008 - 3:27PM EST - We have a new fan listing member and a new theory addition on the theory page ^_^ More artsy stuff will come at a later time as November 16th, 2008 - 12:00AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. :) Also, there probably won't be any updates later on today since Animal Crossing: City Folk is coming out today, and Jen and I will both be obsessively playing the game. But a bunch of stuff was added yesterday/today, so hopefully all of that should tide you over until the next update. ;) ~ Melissa November 15th, 2008 - 10:20PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and Together sections. Also, new 50x50 and 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Sprite gallery. :) ~ Melissa November 15th, 2008 - 2:13PM EST - I appologize for the lack of updates this week. I got bogged down with homework and other things, so I haven't been able to add much to site until today. ^^; Anyways, new fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, WSA Oekaki, Comic, and Arts and Crafts sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Promo, Sprite, Manga Scans, and Doujinshi galleries. Then, 1 new Group Fan-Made wallpaper and 2 new Official wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section. And finally, new hints have been added to the Proof section and 1 new member has been added to the Fanlisting. I hope you all enjoy this update! :D ~ Melissa
November 12th, 2008 - 12:54PM EST - If you haven't noticed, they're back :P But also... 日本からのお客様へ。ここをクリックして作品についての説明を読んで下さい。 For those of you who can not read it, do not worry, it only is for those who can read it to help lessen that language barrier ^_^ We send a HUGE thank you to Sino for the translations. <3 <3 <3
November 11th, 2008 - 2:55PM EST - The normal fan art galleries are currently down while Melissa and I work out some things so people will stop making fake drama over something they know nothing about. Please bear with us while we make them all nice and they'll be back up ASAP. ~ Jen
November 9th, 2008 - 9:53PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, WSA Oekaki, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Promo and Doujinshi galleries. ~ Melissa
November 7th, 2008 - 10:27PM EST - New fanart has been added to the WSA Oekaki section. Also, 1 new 100x100 icon and 4 new Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. :) ~ Melissa
November 7th, 2008 - 7:22PM EST - A new header has been added to our header rotation using the new SUPERAWESOMEOMGNESS wallpaper :D We should have more later, but for now, the plane is here and I must leave. ENJOY THE NEW HEADER PEOPLE. And if you haven't seen it yet, go look at the wallpaper. Now. ~ Jen
November 7th, 2008 - 10:37AM EST - As Jen just mentioned, 1 new Official wallpaper has been added to the Downloads secton. AND IT'S A SUBARU/LUNA WALLPAPER! :D Go download it! DOWNLOAD IT NOOOW. ~ Melissa
November 7th, 2008 - 10:29AM EST - A new hint of proofness is up in the Site Area of it for the MOST AWESOME WALLPAPER EVER (which is being added by Melissa as we speak). YES! ~ Jen
November 6th, 2008 - 6:34PM EST - Sorry for not posting this stuff sooner! This should've been done days ago. T_T Anyways, new fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Promo gallery. ~ Melissa
November 3rd, 2008 - 6:42PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections. Also, new images have been added to the Promo and Doujinshi galleries. :) ~ Melissa
November 3rd, 2008 - 5:15PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 1 new Group Other Sized banner has been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper, new Fan-made wallpapers, and 1 new AMV have been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
November 2nd, 2008 - 11:36PM EST - Well...I found out a lot of people were having trouble finding our oekaki board ^^; Because of this, we've done some things to help you guys out. For one, there is a new FAQ question explaining how to get to the Oekaki Board...Second of all, the Game Section is now on the sidebar instead of on the Downloads page. Finally, we also have added a link to the Oekaki gallery. I really hope this helps everyone because we'd love to see you there! ~ Jen
November 2nd, 2008 - 8:52PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. Enjoy! ;) ~ Melissa
November 1st, 2008 - 9:25PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new fanfic, "Reminiscing," has been added to the Fanfiction section. :D ~ Melissa
November 1st, 2008 - 7:29PM EST - All October updates have been moved to the Past Update section and one new fan listing member has been added! A more art related update will be up sometime later or tomorrow :3 ~ Jen
October 30th, 2008 - 3:56PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new Subaru 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Game Art and Sprite galleries. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. :D ~ Melissa
October 25th, 2008 - 10:20PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and Group sections. ~ Melissa
October 25th, 2008 - 10:46PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Luna sections. Also, new images have been added to the Promo and Sprite galleries. ~ Melissa
October 24th, 2008 - 2:18AM EST - Okay, we have one new Together Fanart piece in the Fan art section, 3 new Together 100x100 icons, 3 new Subaru 100x100 icons, 1 new Luna 100x100 icon, and 2 new other sized together support banners in the Support Images section. We also have a new header :D Expect more stuff later! ~ Jen
October 22nd, 2008 - 5:40PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, WSA Oekaki, and Custom Sprite sections. :) ~ Melissa
October 21st, 2008 - 4:47PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Comic sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Promo and Sprite galleries. :) ~ Melissa
October 20th, 2008 - 9:57PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Doujinshi section. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
October 19th, 2008 - 7:19PM EST - New fanart has been added to the WSA Oekaki section. Also, 1 new Luna 100x100 icon and new Sprite-Related images have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
October 19th, 2008 - 1:21PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 2 new Fan-Made wallpapers and 1 new AMV have been added to the Downloads section. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
October 19th, 2008 - 11:30AM EST - One new fan listing member has been added~ ~ Jen
October 18th, 2008 - 9:51PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 2 new images have been added to the Sprite gallery. :D ~ Melissa
October 17th, 2008 - 10:28PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and 1 Luna Banner blinky have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Game Art and Promo galleries. Then, 2 new Official wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section. And finally, 1 new review has been added for "Behind Olive Eyes" in the Fanfiction section.
Also, Sky Signal kindly asked us to take down some of their art. However, we got to keep anything that was Subaru/Luna related, any freebies, and several favorites that Jen and I picked out. :) While removing anything we didn't want to/get to keep, I tidied up the art sections a bit. I fixed anything that was credited to the wrong person, got rid of any duplicate images that I noticed, and I changed almost all of the credits that were just links to the art sites to the names of the artists themselves. ~ Melissa
October 15th, 2008 - 8:15PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and WSA Oekaki sections. :) ~ Melissa
October 14th, 2008 - 7:46PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 50x50 icon has been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Promo gallery. :D ~ Melissa
October 13th, 2008 - 9:52PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections. ~ Melissa
October 12th, 2008 - 8:33PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, Group and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 1 new Together 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
October 12th, 2008 - 11:48AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. ~ Melissa
October 11th, 2008 - 11:02AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna, Together, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new images have been added to the Promo gallery. :) ~ Melissa
October 11th, 2008 - 3:23AM EST - A new FAQ question has been added about the Art Finding Process. And now, I shall go sleep. ~ Jen
October 9th, 2008 - 10:17PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. ~ Melissa
October 8th, 2008 - 9:38PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 2 new Together 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Doujinshi section. ~ Melissa
October 8th, 2008 - 4:45PM EST - We have another new craft in the arts and crafts section :D And we'll have a few other things a bit later. ~ Jen
October 7th, 2008 - 6:10PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Doujinshi section. ~ Melissa
October 5th, 2008 - 8:23PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. :) ~ Melissa
October 5th, 2008 - 11:20AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections and descriptions have been added for the Luna Plushie in the Arts and Crafts section. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Game Art and Promo galleries. And finally, 1 new Subaru Official wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
October 4th, 2008 - 2:06AM EST - The Arts and Crafts Gallery's Luna Plushie by Usako has been updated with tons of new photos. The descriptions on the photos will be updated a bit later, but I hope you guys enjoy the updated information and more pictures at the least :D ~ Jen
October 3rd, 2008 - 12:46PM EST - The "What Donations Go For" page (click the donation button to check it out) as been updated with some other things that funds will now be going to. ~ Jen
October 2nd, 2008 - 4:26PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Concept Art and Promo galleries. :) ~ Melissa
October 1st, 2008 - 7:58AM EST - All of the September updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. And finally, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
September 29th, 2008 - 12:10PM EST - Look! It's an actual update from me! :P Sorry there haven't been many from me lately :( Between allergies, getting sick, and tons of company, not to mention many other things I have to do, I haven't had time. Luckily, Melissa has been awesome enough to add the stuff I find <3 So much luff to her. Anyway, we have a new addition to the "Arts and Crafts" section ^-^ We'll have more stuff later~ ~ Jen
September 28th, 2008 - 9:29PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, 2 new Together Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Game Art and Promo galleries. And finally, 1 new Official wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
September 28th, 2008 - 9:57AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
September 26th, 2008 - 8:14PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections. Also, new 50x50 icons and 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :D ~ Melissa
September 25th, 2008 - 8:32PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Comic sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Game Art gallery. ~ Melissa
September 24th, 2008 - 4:41PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Group, WSA Oekaki, and Dress-Up Game sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Concept Art and Promo galleries. :) ~ Melissa
September 23rd, 2008 - 9:04PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. :D ~ Melissa
September 22nd, 2008 - 4:30PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and 1 Together Other Sized banner have been added to the Support Images section. There should be a big update either tonight or tomorrow (depending on how busy we are) that will have a bunch of official images, so look forward to that. ;) ~ Melissa
September 21st, 2008 - 8:27PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Love Triangle AMV has been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
September 20th, 2008 - 4:20PM EST - 1 new Subaru x Luna AMV has been added to the Downloads section. :D ~ Melissa
September 20th, 2008 - 3:48PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Together sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
September 19th, 2008 - 9:07PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. :) ~ Melissa
September 18th, 2008 - 8:44AM EST - I have a super tiny update for you all today ^^; And by super tiny, I'm not exaggerating. We just have one new fan art piece of Luna and one 100x100 icon of her to go with it :3 The art piece is quite cute though so I hope you enjoy this, nonetheless ^_^ ~ Jen
September 17th, 2008 - 3:29PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, WSA Oekaki, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 50x50 icons and 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Game Art, Doujinshi, and Promo galleries. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
September 15th, 2008 - 8:22PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Game Art and Sprite galleries. And finally, new Official wallpapers and Luna Wallpaper Project wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
September 14th, 2008 - 5:27PM EST - Because I'm an idiot, I forgot to update this page with updates from yesterday. >_< So I'll just combine yesterday and today's updates now. New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized Banners have been added to the Support Images section. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
September 14th, 2008 - 5:24PM EST - One new Original Luna Wallpaper Project Wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section :D ~ Jen
September 12th, 2008 - 6:36PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
September 12th, 2008 - 4:45AM EST - Wow...I'm really stupid. Umm...I finished doing the thumbnails a few hours ago >> So the page should be all good now. If any of the thumbnails are wrong for the image or the image does not have a thumbnail, please let us know ASAP! ~ Jen
September 11th, 2008 - 9:11PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Promo gallery. And finally, 3 new chapters have been added for "Love With a Vampire." Also, WSA has now reached over 80,000 hits! :D
September 11th, 2008 - 5:08AM EST - Well, thanks to Star Break/Mui Mui/whateveryouknowhimas, we have a much faster way to thumbnail things which not only led to new additions (see Melissa's update below), but fixing up some old pages with thumbnails (Like the support section) to make things run smoother. There was only one issue in this equation...I forgot how much longer that really takes. I had been working on the update for about 7 hours now and I'm going to try and get an hour or two of sleep before work as I need my rest because I already screwed up a few times and had to start over >_> So, for now, everything is set to size 70x70, but the thumbnails are not set in place just yet and will hopefully be finished tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, most of the places are done, the only section left is the Other Sized Together Images which, like I said, is all 70x70, but thumbnails are not in yet. Despite this, it might be a bit nicer to your computer now. Expect the rest of the thumbnails up soon and possibly new pages for the freakishly huge section. I'm going to go pass out on my bed now :D ~ Jen
September 10th, 2008 - 11:13PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Concept Art and Sprite galleries. Enjoy! ;) ~ Melissa
September 9th, 2008 - 8:09PM EST - We've got a large update today. :D New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, WSA Oekaki, and Comic sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, Other Sized icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Group screencap and a bunch of Concept Art have been added to the image galleries. ~ Melissa
September 8th, 2008 - 1:19AM EST - First of all, a HUGE Thank you to every one of you who joined our Oekaki Board! It's been a lot of fun and I'm so glad to see people enjoying it :D If you haven't joined yet, please think about it! We'd love to see you there. Moving onto the update, we have some new fan art in the Together, Group, Luna, Subaru, and WSA Oekaki Board Galleries. We also have some new 100x100 icons in Subaru, Luna, and Together and a new 50x50 Luna icon. Enjoy! ~ Jen
September 6th, 2008 - 7:45PM EST - New fanart has been added to the WSA Oekaki section. Also, 1 new Together 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
September 6th, 2008 - 4:17PM EST - A new section has been opened up in the fanart section: WSA Oekaki Fanart. Here, we'll archive all of the fanart that members draw on the oekaki board. :) Anyways, new fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, Comic, and WSA Oekaki sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
September 6th, 2008 - 4:03AM EST - We have a new section... The Games section! You can find it in the Downloads area. ^_^ It includes fun activities for you guys, so enjoy. We'll hopefully have more stuff there soon! ~ Jen
September 6th, 2008 - 12:47AM EST - Just a bit more fan art--New stuff in Together and Group Galleries. We also have some new Together 100x100 icons and 1 more new Subaru 100x100 icon that have been added. ~ Jen
September 5th, 2008 - 11:34PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Luna sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
September 5th, 2008 - 8:23PM EST - This isn't really a happy update, but you may have noticed that at the bottom of ever page happens to be a "nice" banner of Google ads. To put it simple, they have to stay until I either get rich after some miracle or a bunch of donations come through. I'm not happy about this and I'm sure neither are you guys, but I have no say in this, so just deal with them for now v___v; If you have time, maybe even click one or two. A real update will hopefully come later or tomorrow or somthing... ~ Jen
September 5th, 2008 - 5:01PM EST - So...I slept late, but moving on, just a quick update for you guys. We have a new fanlisting member ^__^ And well, that's really it XD However, we should have a nice big update later today or this upcoming week with several new doujinshi image additions. :D ~ Jen
September 5th, 2008 - 5:45AM EST - We have a nice large amount of updates today/yesterday/whatever XP. For one, several new fan art editions in group, together, Subaru, and Luna galleries. We also have new 100x100 and 50x50 icons in Support images and several new official promo images. There is also a new fanfiction called Misconceptions by Loverly Light, several new Doujinshi images to the Doujinshi section, and finally, a new Luna Wallpaper for the Luna Wallpaper Project under Wedding Party and a new official Wallpaper under the Subaru section (because he gets like all the official wallpapers :P). Enjoy everyone. I'm going to go pass out on my bed now since I just worked on this update all night :D ~ Jen
September 3rd, 2008 - 8:31PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Comic sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery. ~ Melissa
September 2nd, 2008 - 3:50PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru section. Also, new 100x100 icons and 1 new Other Sized banner have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
September 2nd, 2008 - 2:35AM EST - A few quick updates before bed :3 We have two new together images in the fan art section along with another Nihon-no Natsu Edit in the edits section. Speaking of Nihon-no Natsu, we have another new wallpaper for it in the Luna Wallpaper Project area in the Downloads section. We also have some new Luna and Together 100x100 icons and new Luna and Together Other sized banners in Support images. Yay! And now, sleep. ~ Jen
September 1st, 2008 - 11:00PM EST - This is another non-interesting update, but I hope it helps you all anyway ^^; First of all, when you click the donation button now on the side, it brings you to a page that explains all about donating before you click the same button on that page (not the one on the side bar) to donate. I hope it'll explain just how everything goes through and whatnot ^_^ Other than that, a small update to Luna's profile--it now has some information about her hair under random facts. Enjoy :D ~ Jen
September 1st, 2008 - 10:04PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, and Edits sections. Also, 1 new Together 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Promo and Concept Art galleries. And finally, 3 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
September 1st, 2008 - 3:04PM EST - Here's the last part of the updates. 1 new AMV has been added to the Downloads section. Also, we have 2 new sections opened in the Image Gallery: the Manga Scans gallery and the Concept Art gallery. :D All of the new images additions are in those new sections, so check 'em out. ;) Also, all of the concept art that was originally in the Game Art gallery has been moved to the new Concept Art gallery. ~ Melissa
September 1st, 2008 - 12:37PM EST - Told you that there'd be another update. :D New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Comic sections. Also, new 100x100 icons, Other Sized icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. :) Also, there should be another small update from me later (1 new AMV and some stuff for the Image Gallery) since I wasn't sure what categories to list them under. So once Jen tells me what I should do with those, I'll add them. ~ Melissa
September 1st, 2008 - 11:45AM EST - All of the August 2008 updates have been moved to the Past Updates section. Also, the large sprite update that I mentioned yesterday has been added. :D It probably would've been done yesterday, but after I thumbnailed everything, my hands wanted to fall off, so I took a break from WSA work for the rest of the day. XD; Also, because I'm an idiot, I forgot to mention in the last update that 2 new AMVs were added to the Downloads section. We've got more updates coming later today (hopefully), so be sure to look out for that as well. ;) ~ Melissa
August 30th, 2008 - 7:23PM EST - We have one new Love Triangle Music Video by Loverly Light! And seriously, there will be a MUCH larger update later (All graphic-y, thus why the video is being added now. It's just easier.) so please stay tuned for that! However, due to the size, it may not be done until tomorrow morning ^^; ~ Jen
August 30th, 2008 - 12:36PM EST - This update is probably an update none of you will really care for as it does with some behind the scenes stuff, but I hope you guys like it anyway :D For one, the giving donations link and whatnot has been updated. While the image looks the same, it now links to my personal paypal account rather than my father's. Remember, all donations go straight to work for things that help out WSA. What exactly does it help with? You can find out right over at the FAQ. Besides that, we also have a bit of a counter update, which, again, isn't too noticeable. We originally had the counter on the Theater video pages to the right side at the bottom. Now, the counter is invisible on those pages so while it's there, you just can't see it. I figured this makes it look much neater. ^_^ Enjoy! Expect some more interesting updates later. ~ Jen
August 30th, 2008 - 10:13AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. :) ~ Melissa
August 29th, 2008 - 11:32PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally 2 new images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery. Oh, and when I was on the site earlier today and looked at our hit counter, I thought this was kinda cool:
August 29th, 2008 - 12:30PM EST - 1 new piece of fanart has been added to the Subaru section. Also, a bunch of new images have been added to the Doujinshi section. ~ Melissa
August 28th, 2008 - 10:28PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, a bunch of new images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery. And a little side note: I made thumbnails for all of the screencaps in the Group section, so now the thumbnails are finally all done for the Screencap gallery. :D Now we just need to get through thumbnailing everything in the Downloads and Support Images section, and we'll be good. XD ~ Melissa
August 28th, 2008 - 9:47AM EST - New Together Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
August 27th, 2008 - 10:28PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, 1 new 50x50 icon and 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new images have been added to the Promo and Doujinshi galleries. And finally 1 new Official Group wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
August 27th, 2008 - 3:13AM EST - First of all, we have a new fanlisting member! Yay! This brings us to 30 members which is a new milestone! Woo! There's also lots of new fan art in Subaru, Luna, Group, Together, Custom Sprites, and Arts and Crafts sections and we have a new "Other Section" in the Fan Art area. What is it for, exactly? You can find out in that very section :P We also have a few new support images (100x100 icons and other sized banners to be exact) that have been added as well along with one new wallpaper in the downloads section plus some new theories in the Theories section and a new FAQ question that relates to the new Fan Art section, Other. Other than that, we have one new fanfiction and some new additions to the promo and sprite galleries in the Official section. Enjoy! :D And now, I'm going to go pass out as I've been working on this update for like the past 5 hours... T___T ~ Jen
August 26th, 2008 - 12:20AM EST - Several new together other sized banners have been added to the support images section ^_^ We also have added one new together letter blinkie, one new 100x100 Luna icon, and two new 100x100 Together icons. Finally, there's a new image of Luna in the fan art section. Enjoy! ~ Jen
August 25th, 2008 - 10:49PM EST - 1 new piece of fanart has been added to the Together section. Also, 4 new Together 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Game Art and Promo galleries. :D ~ Melissa
August 25th, 2008 - 9:28PM EST - Luna's height has been found out and thus, has been added to her profile. She is half an inch/2 centimeters taller than Subaru. ^_^ ~ Jen
August 25th, 2008 - 7:45PM EST - We have two new miscellaneous clips in the Downloads section and 2 new links in the link section :D We also have several new pieces of fan art in the Subaru section, Custom Sprite section, and Together section and MORE additions to the official sprite section along with some new other sized banners and 100x100 icons in Support Images. Finally, we have a new hit counter that you guys can actually see so enjoy ^_^ And best part is, it counted the hits BEFORE we got the other counter you guys couldn't see so we actually have had a lot more hits! Yay for passing not only 70,000 Unique Hits, but 75K as well AND 77K! Yay! Thank you all so much :D Who knows, maybe now we'll make special awards for people who hit special milestones~ ~ Jen
August 25th, 2008 - 1:23PM EST - A bunch of new images have been added to the Sprite gallery. :D ~ Melissa
August 24th, 2008 - 11:48PM EST - We have two new wallpapers in the Luna Wallpaper Project ^_^ We hope you like them! ~ Jen
August 24th, 2008 - 9:06PM EST - We have new fanart in the Subaru, Luna, Sprite, and Group sections along with a new Luna-themed music video in the downloads section. We also have a new together letter blinky and a new Sprite-Related support image in the support images section :D Enjoy! ~ Jen
August 24th, 2008 - 3:01PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Luna sections. Also, 1 new image has been added to the Promo gallery. ~ Melissa
August 24th, 2008 - 11:14AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally new images were added to the Sprite and Doujinshi galleries. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
August 23rd, 2008 - 1:56PM EST - Well, all the clips are now updated too into the "WSA Theater" so you can watch those for your pleasure as well :D We will hopefully have several new and awesome clips soon (which will also bring us to a nice make-over in the clip section). Speaking of make-overs, the Blinkie section has been given a nice make-over due to the fact that it was getting fairly big. And finally, we have one new fanlisting member! Enjoy ^^; ~ Jen
August 23rd, 2008 - 9:34AM EST - I actually finished this update at about 12:30AM, but the FTP client I use was acting up and wouldn't let me update this page. O_o; Anyways, New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, Comic, and Edits sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Subaru Official wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. And because of you guys, we've now gotten over 60,000 hits! :D
August 22nd, 2008 - 1:52AM EST - All...AMVs...set up now...and stuff x-x *dies* Yeah...I stayed up late getting all the new pages up so I hope you guys enjoy the new set up and the ability to watch the videos in browser right here on WSA. I realize the navigation is gone on those pages (other than a link back to the main music video page)--this was done so you all get a nice big video to watch rather than a really tiny one. At this time, not all the videos are uploaded completely yet, but they are uploading as we speak. A big thanks to my friend, Lyoko, who helped us out with this :D And once again, we hope you all enjoy this and hope it's much easier to work with! If there are any errors (videos linking to wrong place, wrong video name/preview image/wrong video/etc.), please contact us and let us know. ^_^ ~ Jen
August 22nd, 2008 - 5:20PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Comic sections. Also, 1 new 50x50 icon and new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery. Also, we've got a solution for the AMV problem. We just haven't set it up yet, so we'll let you all know once it is. :) ~ Melissa
August 21st, 2008 - 5:00PM EST - This update has some good news and bad news. The bad news is that YouTube deleted the WSA account, which means that we need to find a new way to make the AMVs viewable for you guys. Jen is trying to figure out a solution, so hopefully this problem can be resolved. But for the good news, a bunch of pretty Together Text blinkies have been added to the Support Images section. :D In regards to the AMV issue, we'll be sure to keep you all updated. ;) ~ Melissa
August 20th, 2008 - 8:40PM EST - 2 new Subaru 100x100 icons and 1 new Subaru Other Sized banner have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
August 20th, 2008 - 1:07PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, and Group sections. :D ~ Melissa
August 20th, 2008 - 12:23PM EST - New official art has been added to the Game Art and Sprite galleries. :) ~ Melissa
August 19th, 2008 - 6:58PM EST - 2 new pieces of official art have been added to the Promo gallery. Also, new sprites have been added to Luna's sprite sheet for the second game in the Sprite gallery. :) ~ Melissa
August 18th, 2008 - 11:00PM EST - We've got a large fanart update today. There's new pieces in the Subaru, Luna, Group, Comic, and Custom Sprite sections. There's still a few small things that still need to be added, but I've been working on this update for at least 5 hours, and I feel pooped out right now. ^^; But be sure to check out the rest at some point tomorrow! ;) ~ Melissa
August 16th, 2008 - 9:12PM EST - And yet another update! XD 2 new pieces of fanart have been added to the Subaru section. Also, 1 new image has been added to the Doujinshi gallery. And finally, 1 new AMV has been added to the Downloads section. :) ~ Melissa
August 16th, 2008 - 6:33PM EST - More tiny updates! XD We have three new 100x100 Together Icons and one new 100x100 Subaru icon in Support Images along with a new Together Other sized banner as well. Four new fan art pieces have also been added ^_^ Two Together pieces, one Group piece, and one of Subaru! Enjoy! ~ Jen
August 16th, 2008 - 5:21PM EST - The Together images in the Screencap gallery all have thumbnails now, so those pages should load faster. :) Normally I wouldn't mention this kind of an update, but 1 new screencap was added to that section today, so I figured that I might as well go ahead and mention that too. XD ~ Melissa
August 16th, 2008 - 1:16PM EST - Small update today ^^; We have two new fan art additions--one of Subaru and one of Luna. We also have one new 100x100 icon of Subaru and three new other sized banners--two of Subaru and one Group banner in the Support Images section. I hope you like the update :D ~ Jen
August 16th, 2008 - 8:42AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, Comic, and Custom Sprite sections. Also, new 100x100 icons in all categories and 1 new 200x60 banner have been added to the Support Images section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
August 16th, 2008 - 12:04AM EST - Just one new review to "Finding the Truth" by our Anonymous friend :3 More shall be added sometime later. I know you guys haven't seen much from me lately, but I'm still doing stuff for WSA, just mostly behind the scenes (checking stuff and whatnot) as I've been really busy and don't have time to do all the HTML and stuff right now. I'll be leaving for vacation this Sunday until next Thursday (further stressing out my schedule), but will be bringing my laptop~ Hopefully I'll have more free time soon ^^; For now, just enjoy Melissa's awesomeness :P ~ Jen
August 14th, 2008 - 11:52PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru section. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
August 13th, 2008 - 10:41PM EST - Here's another update! :D New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Group, and Comic sections. Also, new Subaru 100x100 icons and new Subaru Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
August 13th, 2008 - 6:23PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and Custom Sprite sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 100x100 icon has been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 2 new chapters have been added to Love With a Vampire in the Fanfiction section. ~ Melissa
August 12th, 2008 - 10:28PM EST - Here's a nice big update for you guys. :D New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Luna sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. Next, new official art has been added to the Game Art and Sprite galleries. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. Enjoy! ~ Melissa
August 12th, 2008 - 2:22AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, 2 new Other Sized icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new Luna Wallpaper Project wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. :D ~ Melissa
August 11th, 2008 - 12:27AM EST - 4 new pieces of fanart have been added to the Subaru section. :) ~ Melissa
August 9th, 2008 - 3:02PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections. Also, new Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
August 9th, 2008 - 1:05PM EST - One new link has been added to the link section ^_^ We'll have a bigger update sometime later. ~ Jen
August 8th, 2008 - 6:40AM EST - Well, this is a really small update, but I think what it contains is fairly awesome so I hope you all like it anyway~ Plus, thanks to it's tinyness, I have time to update it even though I'm away at Otakon :D So yes, we have two new pieces of fanart--one in Together and one in the Subaru section. We also have two new 100x100 Together icons in Support images. Enjoy all! ~ Jen
August 8th, 2008 - 2:16AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, 1 new Subaru 50x50 icon, 2 new Together 100x100 icons, and 1 new Luna other sized banner have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new official images were added to the Promo and Sprite galleries. :D ~ Melissa
August 6th, 2008 - 8:08PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Group sections. Also, 4 new Subaru 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
August 6th, 2008 - 3:48PM EST - Jen's super awesome Luna card arrived in the mail today, so there's 4 new images of it in the Promo gallery. :D Also, 1 new 50x50 icon and 2 new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
August 6th, 2008 - 12:20AM EST - 1 new fanart has been added to the Together section. Also, 3 new 100x100 Together icons have been added to the Support Images section. :D ~ Melissa
August 5th, 2008 - 1:35PM EST - Several new together fan art pieces are back after some awesome e-mail discussion surprise-ness ^_^ ~ Jen
August 5th, 2008 - 1:21PM EST - A smallish-mediumish-udpateish update? XD We have a few new pieces of fan art in the Subaru section, Luna section, Group section, and Custom Sprite section along with some new 100x100 icons in Support Images, for Subaru, Luna, Groups, and the two together. :D Enjoy! ~ Jen
August 5th, 2008 - 3:32AM EST - Just a tiny late night update, but 1 new piece of fanart has been added to the Subaru section. :) ~ Melissa
August 4th, 2008 - 11:42PM EST - We've got a bunch of new stuff today. :D New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. Finally, 2 new fan-made Subaru wallpapers and 1 new Subaru/Luna AMV have been added to the Downloads section. ~ Melissa
August 3rd, 2008 - 10:47PM EST - Well, the other fanfiction I was planning to write called "Himitsu no Kimochi" is now up. This will actually be a chapter story and not a one shot, but I'm still a sucky writer so bleh XP Just enjoy it. And blame Melissa for it being here. :P We also have one new custom sprite in the fan art section though as well. ^_^ ~ Jen
August 3rd, 2008 - 12:47PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna and Together sections. Also, new 50x50 and 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :D ~ Melissa
August 2nd, 2008 - 11:55PM EST - A new fanfiction is up titled "The Moon" by Myself. And as it is by me, it officially sucks since I lack writing skills. :D However, I hope you guys enjoy it anyway...or umm...pretend to? Yeah. So that is all. I'm heading to bed now. ~ Jen
August 2nd, 2008 - 6:32PM EST - Today, I bring an update from some of the outer parts of WSA--those websites that are also run by us staff of WSA, but aren't actually attached to this site. The Subaru x Luna Deviant Art Club and the WSA Forum over at DATS have been given make-overs to look closer to the site's layout. I worked quite hard on them so I hope you like their new look :D And with new banners that means, new other sized banners in support images ^_^ Several new large ones and a few new huge ones. Finally, there's one new fan art piece of Subaru in his fan art gallery. I hope you all like the updates :D ~ Jen
August 2nd, 2008 - 4:15PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, new 100x100 icons and 1 new 200x60 banner have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new official image has been added to the Promo gallery. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
August 2nd, 2008 - 1:45AM EST - Just a small update right now. :) New fanart has been added to the Luna section. Also, new official images have been added to the Promo gallery. ~ Melissa
August 1st, 2008 - 10:13PM EST - PLEASE make sure to check out the contest at GRN! If you submit something to the writing section of Geo's/Subaru's and Luna's first date, we'd absolutely love to have it submitted it here (however, we will not display them on the site until the contest is over :3). Same goes for any drawings of one of them or both of them. ^_^ Anyway, make sure to check it out as GRN is awesome and the contest has some great prizes~ ~ Jen
August 1st, 2008 - 9:38PM EST - Well, first of all, the July 2008 updates have been moved to the "Past Updates" section which has also been updated a bit to make it easier to get to the month you'd like to look at updates for! We have quite a good lot of updates today, though, not too many. There's new fan art pieces in the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Coloring sections along with new 100x100 icons and 50x50 icons that vary between Subaru, Luna, and/or Together in the Support Images section. Other than that, there's some new additions to the doujinshi section. Enjoy the updates! ~ Jen
July 31st, 2008 - 6:23PM EST - More tiny updates :P We have some new fan art of Subaru plus a few new 100x100 Subaru, Luna, and Together icons along with some new 50x50 Subaru icons in the Support Images section. Finally, we have one new awesome official wallpaper. Enjoy everyone :D ~ Jen
July 30th, 2008 - 10:23PM EST - One new general RnR AMV has been added to the downloads section. That is all. ^_^ ~ Jen
July 30th, 2008 - 6:17PM EST - Another small update and just to the Arts and Crafts section in fan art :3 We have three new additions and a few more pictures have been added to the plushies that Miss Jenna made there. Enjoy! ~ Jen
July 30th, 2008 - 4:28PM EST - A small update now ^_^ We have a few new pieces of Fan Art in the Subaru, Group, Luna, and Together sections along with two new 100x100 icons--one in the Together section and the other in the Luna section. We also have several new doujinshi image additions. Hope you like them all :D And we hit 50,000 hits!
July 30th, 2008 - 7:55AM EST - YOU'RE STILL AWESOME MELISSA. XD This update is late because, as Melissa said, I was waiting for her. Of course, I was already sleep thus, it came even later. I've added new fan art to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Arts and Crafts section. We also have a new ORIGINAL Luna Wallpaper Project Wallpaper :D Enjoy! ~ Jen
July 30th, 2008 - 12:29AM EST - I was supposed to have written a post for this update over 10 hours ago, but never got to do so until now. Oops! ^^; Anyways, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, 200x60 banners, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. Also, 1 new fan-made wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. Jen also updated earlier today, so her post should hopefully be coming soon (she was waiting for me to post mine first XD;). ~ Melissa
July 29th, 2008 - 7:49AM EST - Because I forgot to update, I also added a new theory yesterday to the theories page. Enjoy ^^; I'll hopefully have some more stuff to add later... ~ Jen
July 29th, 2008 - 2:06AM EST - A bunch of new fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and Together sections. :D ~ Melissa
July 27th, 2008 - 10:24PM EST - Another tiny update :3 Just one new fan art piece of Luna added to the Luna Fan Art section. It's really cute though, so I hope you all enjoy it anyway ^_^ ~ Jen
July 27th, 2008 - 7:54PM EST - Just a small update, but the Luna Wallpaper Project now has a separate page of its own in the Downloads section. :) ~ Melissa
July 27th, 2008 - 5:55PM EST - Chapter 3 of Love with a Vampire by Silver Horror has been added. ~ Jen
July 27th, 2008 - 5:21PM EST - A bit of a bigger update with various fan art additions into most of the sections along with three new fan-made wallpapers and a few new 100x100 icons and stuff...and yeah XD Enjoy the updates though! ~ Jen
July 27th, 2008 - 10:35AM EST - More tiny updates XD We have a few new fan art pieces of Subaru and a new fan art piece in the Group section plus some new 100x100 icons of Subaru and of Luna, and a new 50x50 icon of Subaru in support images. ~ Jen
July 26th, 2008 - 11:00PM EST - Looks like today was full of tiny updates, because here's another one. XD Anyways, one new fanfic has been added to the Fanfiction section. ~ Melissa
July 26th, 2008 - 6:32AM EST - Another tiny update but I'm in such a happy mood, that I'm too happy to care that it is tiny but tiny updates are awesome anyway even if they are tiny it's a cute tiny and everybody loves updates even if it's a tiny update because big updates can come later and stuff :D :D :D Anyway, we have two new fan art pieces of Luna...and that's really it! I did add in some of the Kanji names to some art that had ??? as well so those are all credited and stuff now and yeah...AND here is a sneak peak of something new coming to WSA, I won't elaborate, but I'm sure you can figure out what the sheer awesomeness is. And finally, I won the LUNACARDOMGYAY so expect a nice good scan of it for the site as soon as it arrives ^___^ YAAAAAY :D ~ Jen
July 25th, 2008 - 7:06PM EST - 4 new 200x40 banners have been added to the Link Us Section :D As the 88x31 needed some counterparts to match XD And it slipped my mind until now >> So yeah, enjoy! ~ Jen
July 25th, 2008 - 4:45PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Edits sections. Also, new 50x50 icons, 100x100 icons, and Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. Plus, new official images have been added to the Game Art section. Next, 1 new AMV has been added to the Downloads section. And finally, 4 new 88x31 buttons have been added to the Link to Us section. I hope you enjoy this big update! :D ~ Melissa
July 25th, 2008 - 2:55PM EST - Small quick update--just one new piece of proof for Ryuusei no Rockman 2 (the game) in the Dark Phantom section. Melissa also added a new fanfiction yesterday and if I feel a bit better, I'll try and get a nice good haul of an update added sometime later. Enjoy this tiny update for now though~ ~ Jen
July 23rd, 2008 - 11:08AM EST - A small update for now ^^; We have one new together fan art piece, one new together 100x100 icon, and a new link added to the links section. Enjoy everyone! :3 ~ Jen
July 23rd, 2008 - 12:31AM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Comic sections. Also, 3 new 50x50 icons and 8 new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new official images have been added to the Game Art section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 21st, 2008 - 4:11PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, 1 new 50x50 icon and 2 new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, new official images have been added to the Game Art and Sprite sections. ~ Melissa
July 20th, 2008 - 7:04AM EST - A few more fan art pieces of Subaru and Luna have been added along with some new 100x100 Together and Luna icons in Support images. :D Yay. ~ Jen
July 20th, 2008 - 4:52AM EST - We have two new pieces of fan art--One of Subaru and one of Luna :D plus a new theory added. Enjoy all! ~ Jen
July 19th, 2008 - 6:22PM EST - Another small update. We have two new pieces of group fan art, two new Subaru fan art pieces, one new coloring addition in Fan Art, and two new huge Together other sized banners along with several new 100x100 Together, Luna, and Subaru icons in the Support Images section. We also have a new header in our random header generator thingy. Hope you all like the update :3 ~ Jen
July 19th, 2008 - 2:15AM EST - Not as big as the last update, but I have a few new fan art pieces of Luna that have been added, some new 100x100 icons, some new 50x50 icons, and a new chapter to "His Biggest Secret" by Loverly Light plus a new link to an art site that is in English. Enjoy everyone! ~ Jen
July 19th, 2008 - 12:28AM EST - Sorry for the lateness of this update! T_T This should've been up earlier today, but I ended up being busier tonight than I originally thought I was going to be. Anyways, a bunch of new fanart was added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections. Also, a ton of new 100x100 icons, 1 new 200x60 banner, and 1 new Other Sized banner were added to the Support Images section. And finally, 1 new official image was added to the Game Art section. I hope you guys enjoy all of the new updates! :D ~ Melissa
July 18th, 2008 - 9:15PM EST - >> I'm not supposed to be here. Melissa and ZC won't let me update for the day as it's my birthday (but do expect updates from Melissa) XD Anyway, I've quickly added some stuff to Geo's profile--his height and weight ^_^ Which you can find in the secret area of the Capcom site. Enjoy everyone and Thanks TM for the heads up! Also, one new review for Ryuusei no Chibis. ~ Jen
July 17th, 2008 - 1:08AM EST - We have another new review for Sick Heart. :3 That is all. (Oh, and my birthday is tomorrow :D Yay me.) ~ Jen
July 16th, 2008 - 11:50PM EST - Okay! We've gotten three new reviews ^_^ One to each of the following: Ryuusei no Chibis, Sick Heart, and Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimazu, Inchou. ~ Jen
July 16th, 2008 - 9:01PM EST - THIS is the big update XD Sorry for the delays everyone. Anyway, we have one new fanfiction added, new fan art in the Subaru, Luna, Comics, Group, and Together sections, new support images in 100x100 Subaru, Luna, Group, and Together Icons, a Together 200x60 Banner, and several huge Together Other Sized Banners, plus a few new official images in the official game art section and the official sprite section :D We also have a new header and have hit 40,000 Hits! Yay!
July 16th, 2008 - 2:37AM EST - Nope, still not the big update...or the new header yet... But we have a new AMV by Loverly Light in the AMV section :D Yay. ~ Jen
July 16th, 2008 - 1:16AM EST - This isn't the bigger update either :( I KEEP GETTING DISTRACTED. I APOLOGIZE T~T Umm...moving on, we have one new fanlisting member! Yay! Also, a new header image will be added to the random-mix soon and it's quite special compared to the other two (Which are both fairly awesome and special--this one will just have something the other two do not...) ~ Jen
July 15th, 2008 - 11:06PM EST - This isn't the bigger update that Jen was talking about, but now all of the pages throughout the site have the div codes in them. Basically what the codes do is prevent the text from being squished on the right side of the screen. This is something that's only really noticeable on pages with lots of text, such as those in the Fanfiction section. Anyways, now this has been corrected throughout the entire site, and almost 200 pages were corrected in the process. So if you ever noticed the crammed text and were annoyed by it, now you no longer have to worry about it. Yay! :D ~ Melissa
July 15th, 2008 - 7:31PM EST - We have one new awesome theory added to the theories page :D And will hopefully have a bigger update later... ~ Jen
July 14th, 2008 - 12:22PM EST - One new Subaru-themed AMV has been added to the downloads section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 13th, 2008 - 11:31PM EST - We have new additions to the fan art section of Subaru and Luna plus some more official promo images in the official image section :D And one new theory in the theory section. Yay ^-^ ~ Jen
July 13th, 2008 - 2:53PM EST - I slept late anyway T__T Umm...moving on, just have a bit of an announcement to make :D We are officially accepting multiple wallpapers for the Luna Wallpaper Project which means more than "two" of each thing. Instead of the people I asked to do them (who are awesome), some people have surprised me with some and thus, we are officially making the LWP open to WHOEVER wants to make one. If you make one, it will be added, so we can have all different ideas and quality ones and stuff rather than just what came out of my head. The new Wedding Party A Version is the first example of one of the ones that randomly popped up :D So if you end up doing one for fun or heck, have an idea for a make-over one, make sure to let us know! I'll try and get some real updates up later (and much luff to Melissa for getting the update up for me while I tried to get my sleeping on track). ~ Jen
July 13th, 2008 - 3:07AM EST - Yay for really late (or really early) updates! XD Anyways, one new piece of fanart has been added to the Together section. Also, a fan-made Luna Wallpaper "A Version" for Wedding Party has been added to the Downloads section. :) ~ Melissa
July 13th, 2008 - 1:11AM EST - Tiny update ^-^ We have 2 new awesome 100x100 icons in Support Images. One is a group one and the other is a Subaru one :D Yay. And now I shall head to bed (early)~ (also, if any of you find the LUNACARDOMGNEED, please let me kno--*bricked*) ~ Jen
July 12th, 2008 - 9:01PM EST - We've got 2 new awesome things for you guys tonight. :) First off, a new fanfic called Sick Heart has been added to the Fanfiction section. There's also a new AMV available in the Downloads section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 12th, 2008 - 7:21PM EST - Not too many updates today, but I hope you enjoy them all the same :D We have a new chapter of Ryuusei no Chibis up along with two new fan art pieces of Subaru, a bunch of new custom sprites in the fan art section, and several new promo stuff for RnR3 (so beware of spoilers) in the official images section. We also have a two new 100x100 Together icons and one new 50x50 together icon in the Support Images section plus a new "hint/proof" in the Proof section under Official stuff. And a nice big shout out to Loverly Light--HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D ENJOY YOUR SWEET 16! <3 ~ Jen
July 11th, 2008 - 12:51PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru and Comic sections. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 11th, 2008 - 2:36AM EST - This was actually supposed to be added yesterday, but I kept getting sidetracked. Sorry everyone ^^; Anyway, our new additions are two new group pieces and a new Luna piece in the fan art section, one new Subaru 100x100 icon, and a few new medium together other sized banners in support images. Enjoy! ~ Jen
July 9th, 2008 - 11:44PM EST - A bunch of new medium and large Together Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Melissa
July 9th, 2008 - 9:05PM EST - Luna's and Subaru's RnR2 Sprite Sheets are now updated and complete over in the sprite section :D Enjoy. ~ Jen
July 9th, 2008 - 3:16PM EST - Very small update today...Just one new fan art piece of Subaru has been added. Hope you like it all the same, though~ ~ Jen
July 9th, 2008 - 4:50AM EST - A bunch of new fan-made wallpapers have been added to the Downloads section spread between Together, Subaru, and Luna. We also have one 100x100 together icon, a few new Together Blinkies, a Subaru blinky, a Luna blinky, and a few together other sized banners spread between small and tiny. Enjoy everyone. ~ Jen
July 8th, 2008 - 8:40PM EST - One new together blinkie and one new Other Sized Together Icon have been added to the Support Images section. ~ Jen
July 8th, 2008 - 6:06PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Group, and Comic sections. Also, 3 new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section (Subaru, Luna, and Together). And finally, one new fan-made Together Wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 7th, 2008 - 4:22PM EST - Small update now, but I hope you enjoy it all the same :3 We have two new pieces of fan art of Subaru along with a new chapter to the fanfiction "His Bigger Secret" by Loverly Light which also has a new review! Yay! ~ Jen
July 7th, 2008 - 4:44AM EST - Yes, a really late update...or well, early...depending on how you look at it. A bunch of blinkies have been added to the support images section~ And yes, this is why I'm even up XD I spent the last few hours working on them so I hope you enjoy! ~ Jen
July 6th, 2008 - 3:24PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, and Comic sections. Also, 1 new 50x50 icon, a bunch of new 100x100 icons, 1 new Other Sized icon, and 2 new Other Sized banners have been added to the Support Images section. And finally, one new fan-made Subaru Wallpaper has been added to the Downloads section. :) ~ Melissa
July 5th, 2008 - 4:07PM EST - Another small update ^-^ We have new fan art in the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections along with one new [abstract] 100x100 icon in Together. We also have one new Subaru official image in the Game Art section plus Luna's and Subaru's seiyuus (Voice Actors/Actresses) in the Japanese Anime and English dub have now been added to their profiles. Also, the Fuka Fuka Good Night Luna Verison B has now been added to the Edit Section :D Enjoy! ~ Jen
July 5th, 2008 - 1:53PM EST - We have a small yet AWESOME update to Luna's and Subaru's profiles here on the site under "Game 3" Information. Please realize, this does include spoilers so if you do not want to be spoiled, make sure not to look :P ~ Jen
July 5th, 2008 - 2:21AM EST - We have a new fan listing member! ^___^ YAY! We also got a new award. :3 ~ Jen
July 4th, 2008 - 11:55PM EST - Well, we have one new RnR Proof thingy in the Ryuusei no Rockman 2 Game section under "Post-Game" :D Yayness! ~ Jen
July 4th, 2008 - 5:48PM EST - 3 new Together and 2 new Luna 100x100 icons have been added to Support Images. Also, 3 new pieces of fan art have been added--2 to the Subaru section and 1 to the Luna section. Yay :D ~ Jen
July 4th, 2008 - 3:20PM EST - A bunch of new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section in the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections. :D ~ Melissa
July 4th, 2008 - 12:56AM EST - I'm horrible and while I updated a while ago, I got distracted and forgot to write an update... XD So umm...one new fan art together image and one new Subaru 100x100 icon in Support images. Yayness. Also, Happy 4th of July to everyone! :D ~ Jen
July 4th, 2008 - 12:38AM EST - Although this isn't an update for new content, thumbnails have been added to the Doujinshi gallery, Promo gallery, and Game Art gallery. "What does this mean for me?!" you say? It means less bandwidth usage on the site, and it means faster page loading times for you guys. :) The Sprite gallery and the Screencap gallery still need to be done, and those are both big sections to do, so those might take awhile. The Doujinshi section alone took 4-5 hours to do! XD; But yeah, hopefully those sections will be finished up by me during the weekend or early next week. :) ~ Melissa
July 3rd, 2008 - 4:33PM EST - We have two new art pieces--one in the Luna fan art gallery and the other in the Subaru fan art gallery. We also have a few new 100x100 icons split into the Subaru, Luna, and Together sections and one new Subaru Other Sized icon in Support Images plus one new doujinshi image. Enjoy everyone! ~ Jen
July 3rd, 2008 - 10:38AM EST - Just a small update, but the AMV that was added to the new Love Triangle section now has a direct download link. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
July 3rd, 2008 - 1:55AM EST - Hi everyone! We have two new custom sprite images in the fan art section, one new sprite image in the official section, and a few new versions of the color bar that was added yesterday to the color bar section in support images. We also have two new AMVs, one in the Together section and the other in a new section called "Love Triangles". The direct upload for the Love triangle one should come sometime later, hopefully. I would've added it with this update, but sadly, my video converter has decided to be mean to me so I can't change the file type...Until this gets fixed, it may be a while until direct uploads come unless they are videos given directly to WSA. Finally, one new addition to a new section in Fan Art called "Dress-Up Games". For more information on that, please check out the page :3 ~ Jen
July 2nd, 2008 - 7:09PM EST - 3 new pieces of fanart have been added to the Subaru and Group sections respectively. Also, 1 new Color Bar has been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
July 1st, 2008 - 11:22PM EST - One new fan art piece of Subaru has been added. We also have a new 100x100 together icon and translations for all the comics in the comic section plus a translation of the small one panel-like comic in the 5th Together Fan Art Page. The translation for each comic is to the right of the original comic. Remember, Japanese books and comics and whatnot are read from right to left :3 So start from the right of each page of the comic--for images with more than one page, the page number is identified in a corner for which you need to start with. Finally, there is also a new link in the link section which includes an awesome site. Enjoy! ~ Jen
July 1st, 2008 - 3:14AM EST - We have one new fan made wallpaper in the Luna Wallpaper Project section :D It is version B of Fuka Fuka Good Night. Version A should be coming soon~ We hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Also, there are two new fan art pieces of Luna ^-^ And some new Ryuusei no Rockman 2 game proofness along with two new FAQ questions. That is all! ~ Jen
June 29th, 2008 - 9:40PM EST - Well, I'm baaack :D And I'm about to go bed. However, we have one new fan art piece of Luna ^_^ So enjoy everyone~ ~ Jen
June 29th, 2008 - 3:36PM EST - Here's the other update! New fanart has been added to the Luna and Group sections. Also, a bunch of new 100x100 icons, 1 new 200x60 banner, and 1 new Other Sized banner have been added to the Support Images section. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
June 29th, 2008 - 2:26PM EST - Star Wave has asked us to take down any of her art that isn't a freebie on her site, so most of her art was removed. This mainly affected the Subaru and Group sections though, so if you see a bunch of pages with a lot of blank space, now you know why. XD I'll be making another update later with new stuff, so look forward to that. :) ~ Melissa
June 28th, 2008 - 9:25PM EST - Sorry for the late update guys! This would've come earlier today, but my friend had a graduation party, and I ended up staying longer than I was supposed to. O_o; Anyways, there's new fanart in the Subaru and Luna sections, 1 new piece of official art in the Promo section, and 3 new huge Subaru banners in the Other Sized Banners section. We've also got a new Together AMV by Loverly Light, so check that out too. :D ~ Melissa
June 27th, 2008 - 7:05PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Custom Sprite sections. There's also new icons in the 50x50, 100x100, and Other Sized Icons sections, and they're all Together related. :) ~ Melissa
June 27th, 2008 - 6:07AM EST - Well, MMSF2 is now complete (though, not 100% yet), so the hint page is completely updated ^_^ Once again, if you see something you think should be added, be sure to submit it and let us know! ~ Jen
June 26th, 2008 - 4:30PM EST - I'm happy to say I'm almost done with the game ^_^ So as usual, more updates in the profiles and Proof pages. For those playing, if you found something that isn't there, make sure to send us a contact form and submit it :D That is all~ ~ Jen
June 26th, 2006 - 2:26AM - A new AMV made by me has been added to the Downloads section. I really hope you guys like it! :D ~ Melissa
June 25th, 2008 - 7:39PM - One new 100x100 Together Icon has been added...and yes...I'm still playing XD I'm nowhere near finished though. ~ Jen
June 25th, 2008 - 7:12PM - Some new fanart has been added to the Luna, Together, and Comic sections. :D And I've got Megaman Starforce 2 now too, but I'm nowhere near as far as Jen is, so you probably won't see any proof updates from me. XD; ~ Melissa
June 25th, 2008 - 1:20PM - Can't...stop...playing... Erm, anyway... The same four pages that I mentioned earlier and yesterday are still being updated constantly as I go through MMSF2! :D Also, one new 100x100 Group Icon has been added to Support Images. ^_^ ~ Jen
June 25th, 2008 - 3:33AM EST - Okay, after playing for a while, I've updated Luna's profile, Subaru's profile, and of course the Proof section with several things so I hope you all enjoy that. When I have time, I'll be adding a new custom sprite (the one I'm using in my Zerker x Ninja game) to the fan art section~ But yes, that is all ^_^ I must sleep now XD ~ Jen
June 24th, 2008 - 7:46PM EST - I officially have Megaman Starforce 2 and thus, the proof section along with Luna's Profile and Subaru's Profile are quickly being updated with things :D So keep checking as I'll be updating them constantly until I finish the game. Also, one new custom sprite has been added to the fan art section and a new FAQ question has been added as well. ~ Jen
June 24th, 2008 - 11:30AM EST - No actual new content has been added, but the Image Gallery has been given a makeover. There's 3 new sections, which are the Screencap Gallery, the Game Art Gallery, and the Promo Gallery. The names of the sections are pretty self-explanitory, except for the Promo Gallery. We've moved any images we had of merchandise, promotional posters, or advertisements into that section. Anyways, we hope you like the new organization! :) ~ Melissa
June 24th, 2008 - 3:50AM EST - I should not be up right now XD But I got sidetracked so I have a few updates for you guys before bed. ^_^ First of all, we have two new 50x50 icons--one of Luna and one of Subaru, one new small other sized banner of Subaru, several new huge other sized banners of Subaru and Luna together, and several new 100x100 Together Icons and one 100x100 Subaru Icon in the Support images section. We also have a new Fan-made Group Wallpaper, a new Subaru x Luna AMV in the Music Video section and a new Clip under the Luna/Ophiuchus Queen section in Downloads. Finally, three new pieces of fan art have been added to the Edit section as well along with one new image to the doujinshi section~ ~ Jen
June 23rd, 2008 - 5:54PM EST - One new together fan art piece has been added along with one new Together 100x100 icon :D Yay. ~ Jen
June 23rd, 2008 - 3:13PM EST - More little updates...but as long as they're cute (which they always are because I said so), it doesn't matter :P Anyway, we have one new official Luna image (speaking of which, if anybody figures out where to get the cute little card, LET ME KNOW), one new official Group image, three new pieces of fan art in the Subaru section, and one new piece of fan art in the Luna section. ^_^ I hope you all like the updates! Also, as a note, I've noticed a lot of people have been confused over when we add new stuff and they're not on the last page...When we add a new link to the sidebar, more images can be fit on a page and we usually try to fill it up so it doesn't look sloppy. So, make sure to check some of the previous pages too, as some new stuff may be there instead. ~ Jen
June 22nd, 2008 - 11:50PM EST - Another tiny update, but bigger than the last one. We have one new fan art piece of Subaru, one new fan art section called "Arts and Crafts" where you will find a new piece...since the section is new to begin with, and a new award from Raphrius ^-^ Also, this coming Friday, I will have to go to a party for a friend of mine and thus, won't be online much until I get back on Sunday/Monday as I'll be staying the weekend. So, if you don't see me updating, this is why XD But Melissa is awesome and will do a great job while I'm gone as she always does (and even when I'm not gone because she is awesome). <3 ~ Jen
June 22nd, 2008 - 2:46PM EST - Very tiny update, but we have one adorable new fan art piece of Luna in her fan art gallery :D Enjoy! ~ Jen
June 21st, 2008 - 11:08PM EST - One new official Subaru image has been added to his image gallery. ^_^ That is all~ ~ Jen
June 21st, 2008 - 10:58PM EST - New fanart has been added to the Subaru, Together, and Group sections. And after much debate about 2 images, one of these images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery (the other ended up in the Together fanart section if you're wondering). Also, one new AMV has been added to the Downloads section. :) ~ Melissa
June 21st, 2008 - 5:56PM EST - WE HAVE AN AWARD SECTION :D OMGYAY! ...Ahem, anyway...Despite winning some AWESOMEAWARDSZOMGYES that have led to the creation of that section, we are also now affiliated with Megaman Legacy ^_^ We'll hopefully be updating a bit later with quite a bit of an art update. I'm a little busy today (but had to put up the award page because it is just that awesome), but hopefully I'll manage to find free time to get it up later or Melissa may be able to get it up. Enjoy this small [awesome] update for now though! <3 ~ Jen
June 20th, 2008 - 10:24PM EST - We have one new official wallpaper in the downloads section that stars Subaru plus several new official images of Subaru have been added as well along with one official group image. ~ Jen
June 20th, 2008 - 8:41PM EST - We have 4 new doujinshi images added and one new fan art piece of Subaru added. Enjoy! :D ~ Jen
June 20th, 2008 - 10:17AM EST - Yay! It works again >> ~ Jen
June 20th, 2008 - 3:04AM EST - If you're here right now, you may have noticed the layout looks really odd...and well, invisible. Yahoo is currently having issues with the PHP server, thus the problems... -_- Hopefully this will be fixed soon :/ Trust me, nobody is more freaked out than I am. In a more hopeful note, most of you may not read this until it's fixed which wouldn't be so bad. Anyway, we have several new 100x100 icons and Other Sized icons: 3 Luna Other sized icons, 1 Together Other Sized Icons, and 3 100x100 Luna icons. Yayness :D ~ Jen
June 20th, 2008 - 1:07AM EST - Ice Cream by Niilan has gotten a new review as has Raphrius' Chapter 5 of The Duel of Love. That is all :3 ~ Jen
June 19th, 2008 - 9:43PM EST - A new fanfiction is up ^_^ Ice Cream by Niilan :D Yay for more fanfiction-y updates ^_^ ~ Jen
June 19th, 2008 - 6:12PM EST - 3 more 100x100 Luna icons along with 1 new Together 100x100 icon in Support images :3 Yayness. ~ Jen
June 19th, 2008 - 3:55PM EST - Let's see...We have one new chapter to the fanfiction, "The Duel of Love", by Raphrius. We also have 7 new 100x100 icons, all to the Luna section, plus two new fan art pieces of Subaru, and one new fan art piece in the together section :D Yay. ~ Jen
June 19th, 2008 - 12:33AM EST - All the 100x100 icons now have pages...because the 100x100 icon pages were still freakishly huge. I think the rest aren't too big to the point where we need to add pages (however, if you think otherwise, feel free to send us a contact form)... Also, today is the last day to vote in the final category of the Megaman Legacy Awards. But yes, that is all.. ~ Jen
June 18th, 2008 - 7:58PM EST - Three new 100x100 Luna icons added ^_^ ~ Jen
June 18th, 2008 - 4:40PM EST - No real update this time XD But the final category of the Megaman Legacy Awards is up for "Best Community"...as WSA isn't a forum and only has the tiny forum over on DATS, I don't really see how we should get a vote >> But everybody who submits stuff and the people who view are super awesome and stuff if that counts :D But yes, make sure to vote for who you think deserves to win! ~ Jen
June 18th, 2008 - 2:08PM EST - Tiny update today ^^; We just have one new other sized icon of them together... XD It is fairly awesome though and one new fan art piece of Subaru. Other than that, we hit 30,000 hits!
June 18th, 2008 - 2:05AM EST - I was planning on going to bed early...obviously that didn't happen... Anyway, quite a few new additions. We have several new 100x100 icon additions to Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group along with 50x50 icon additions in Subaru, Luna, and Group, one new other sized icon in together, plus some new banners in Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group, and a new Subaru-themed music video. We also gave the other-sized icon pages a bit of a make-over. That is all. Enjoy everyone~ ~ Jen
June 17th, 2008 - 6:01PM EST - I love when we have lots of updates T~T Anyway, even if the update isn't huge, here's another cute update for you all :D We have two new group fan art pieces, three new Subaru fan art pieces, Five new 100x100 icons, one being of Subaru, the other four being Together-related along with one new 200x60 banner which is also Together-related. :D ~ Jen
June 17th, 2008 - 3:13PM EST - While Jen was working on the Theories page, I was working on the makeover for the Support Images section, and now it's complete! :D We hope you guys enjoy the extra organization! ~ Melissa
June 17th, 2008 - 2:50PM EST - There's a new theories page! Yay! For more on that, check it out in the Fans section. ^_^ Also, we'll be giving the support images page a bit of a makeover later as it's gotten really big... XD ~ Jen
June 17th, 2008 - 7:36AM EST - A bunch of gorgeous new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :D ~ Melissa
June 17th, 2008 - 1:21AM EST - Another tiny update--we have two new 100x100 icons of Subaru in the 100x100 section. I've also updated the Image Gallery page to mention that the Luna gallery will also feature Ophiuchus Queen pictures (please realize, while we will have images of Ophiuchus as Luna, we won't have any of her in her normal wave form alone, just her denpa-henkan form). Anyway, today is also the final day to vote in the 4th category (Best Staff) in the Megaman Legacy Awards so if you haven't voted yet, make sure to do so. :3 ~ Jen
June 16th, 2008 - 2:53PM EST - One new piece of fan art of Subaru has been added. That is all ^^; ~ Jen
June 16th, 2008 - 1:51PM EST - Well, we have a few announcements to go through and while none are actual updates, who cares! :D We may have some updates later though, depending on what I find... Moving on, first of all, the Megaman Legacy Awards has a new category up for "Best Staff". For those unsure, Melissa = Our staff and she's like co-owner anyway and stuff, but she is super awesome. SUPER AWESOME. Ahem...so make sure to cast a vote for whichever site you'd like~ Also, we're both planning on giving the image gallery a big overhaul--and by image gallery, I mean the official images, not fan art. We're planning to add a lot more to do it now that the episodes are over as we think they're a bit small. If you have any suggestions for images we do not have (or have the ROM of MMSF and want to save me from agony of repeating Taurus' stage over and over again), please contact us and let us know ^_^ Thank you! ~ Jen
June 15th, 2008 - 8:28PM EST - Yay! More new updates :D We have new fan art in the Subaru, Luna, and Group sections along with some new 100x100 icons of Luna and Subaru along with two new other sized banners in the Support Images section, and two new wallpapers (one of Subaru and one of Luna) in the downloads section. ^_^ Hope you all like the new additions. Finally, today is the last day to vote in the Megaman Legacy Awards for "Best Overall Content", so if you haven't yet, please make sure to do so! And Happy Father's Day everyone. :D ~ Jen
June 15th, 2008 - 2:06PM EST - A bunch of new stuff has been added today. :D First, there's new fanart in the Luna, Together, and Custom Sprite sections. There's also a lot of new images in the Doujinshi gallery. And there are new 200x60 Banners, 100x100 Icons, 50x50 Icons, and Other Sized Banners in the Support Images section. Enjoy! :D ~ Melissa
June 14th, 2008 - 12:46PM EST - Several new fan art sprites have been added along with a new fan art piece to groups~ Also, the next Voting Category in the Megaman Legacy Awards is now up and is for "Best Overall Content". Guys, I'm not sure why any of you would think we deserve votes on this one, but if you honestly think so, feel free to vote for us ^^; But if not, please vote for one of the other sites. A lot of them have great deals of information and if it wasn't for those other sites when I just got into RnR, this site wouldn't be the way it was. A big thanks to all of those who voted for us though, as we got 4th place in the last two categories ^_^ Which makes us feel really special....plus 4 is my favorite number EVER. ...That is all. ~ Jen
June 13th, 2008 - 5:35PM EST - A couple of new pieces of fan art have been added to the group section and the Luna section. We also have new official images in the sprite section. Yay :3 Finally, today is the last day to vote in the Megaman Legacy Awards for Best Design, so if you haven't voted yet for who you think deserves to win, make sure to do so! ~ Jen
June 12th, 2008 - 8:39PM EST - Several new other sized Subaru icons have been added to the Support Images section. :D ~ Jen
June 12th, 2008 - 5:14PM EST - More than a one thing only update now XD We have several new pieces of fan art in the Subaru section, the Group section, and the Together section plus some new 100x100 icons in the support images section. ^_^ Yay. ~ Jen
June 12th, 2008 - 2:12AM EST - Okay, we have one new fanmade wallpaper up :D Yay! Also, the next voting category at the Megaman Legacy Awards is now up and is for "Best Design", so I encourage you to all go and vote for who you think deserves to win! ~ Jen
June 11th, 2008 - 4:55PM EST - Another small update @-@ The Proof page has gotten a bit of a makeover along with one new hint for Episode 34 of Season 1 of Ryuusei no Rockman (the anime). We also have the page for the second game all set up now in preparation, after all, the game is only about 2 weeks away! Yayness! ~ Jen
June 11th, 2008 - 3:43PM EST - Just a small update, but one new piece of fan art has been added to the Luna section. :) ~ Melissa
June 11th, 2008 - 3:16AM EST - Well, the rest of the fanfiction all now have a new review. We also have one new music video (which is why I'm up so late and wanting to kill things after what that put me to...please realize I am not serious about killing things. Maybe smashing my head against a wall, but nothing will be harmed except my head...oh...and maybe the wall. Poor wall.) which is a collaboration by myself and a girl you should know by her fanfictions--Loverly Light. You can read more about how it's a collab in the description on Youtube. Anyway, that's about all the updates for now ^^; But here's a reminder, tomorrow is when voting closes for the Megaman Legacy Awards for the category "Best Webmaster/Webmistress"--if you did not vote yet for who you think should win, do so when you get a chance as I'm sure whoever you vote for will appreciate it :D ~ Jen
June 10th, 2008 - 8:10PM EST - Okay, so ZC's internet died which means reviews may get delayed (For those wondering why he is doing it, I'm incredibly biased and really bad with reviews and everybody would get 5 stars from me and not great comments so... XD Thus, he's doing it because he's not biased at all really @-@), however, a new review was added to both of the following: Pure Snow by Anonymous and His Biggest Secret by Loverly Light. ^_^ That is all. ~ Jen
June 10th, 2008 - 7:23PM EST - As promised, some more fanfiction have new reviews, in specific: The Moon and the Stars by Loverly Light and Stars, Moon, and Sky. The rest of the fanfiction will be getting reviews ASAP~ We also have 3 new pieces of fan art--one in the Subaru section, one in the Group section, and one in the Together section. Yay. :D ~ Jen
June 10th, 2008 - 3:38PM EST - This isn't a real update for the site, but just to let you all know that the Megaman Legacy Awards are now open for voting ^_^ And I'm encouraging you all to vote for who you think should win each category. Please don't just vote for WSA because you like the site, there are plenty of other great sites too (forgetting the fact that the only site I recognize on the list besides WSA is GRN... XD) so please vote for who you think is best. If there's a category called "Best Overall Information", remember, while we may have a lot of information on Subaru and Luna--it says best overall, not character specific. We only center on the latest "Rockman series" and only on two characters no less, so there's no reason to vote for us for something like that. But yes, for those who do vote for us in any categories, we thank you in advance :D ~ Jen
June 10th, 2008 - 1:11AM EST - Two new fan art of Luna, one new fan art of Subaru, and one new fan art of the two together have been added! Yay! Also, every fanfiction up to "Rockman-sama or Hoshikawa-kun?" aka #11 (This fanfiction included) has a new review :D Double yay! The rest of the fanfics should get reviews sometime later today. ~ Jen
June 9th, 2008 - 9:48PM EST - Lots of new images have been added to the Doujinshi gallery. There's also new fan art in the Subaru and Luna sections, and 2 new 100x100 icons in the Support Images section. Enjoy! :) ~ Melissa
June 9th, 2008 - 1:45AM EST - One new fan art addition of Luna ^_^ Yay. ~ Jen
June 9th, 2008 - 1:27AM EST - Yeah..I'm up late. I'm not happy enough to sleep. Moving on, two new additions to the fan art-y sprite section~ Along with a new FAQ on why there's "Base" written across them as we might run into it more often. ~ Jen
June 8th, 2008 - 10:16PM EST - A bit of a bigger update than earlier--but not too much though. Just a whole bunch of 100x100, 50x50, and other sized icons have been added to the Support Images section :D I hope you guys like them all~ ...Why are some holiday themed you ask? Because I like Christmas SO THERE. >_> ~ Jen
June 8th, 2008 - 6:58PM EST - Small update today, but we have quite a few shout outs to make ^_^ But first, the update...We have another new chapter to The Duel of Love by Ralphrius :D Yay. We also have one new artwork of Luna that I drew for Miyabi--who's birthday it is today. Happy Birthday Miyabi! If you recognize this name, it may be from deviantart or from On Air! as Miyabi does updates there and makes awesome pans and stuff on the forums and stuff and yeah... XD But yes, big Happy Birthday to him ^_^ It's also TM's Blog's anniversary! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TM! And finally, it's my cousin's birthday :D So Happy Birthday, Tommy! ...Not that many of you (if any) know him...but oh well. XD ...And this suddenly reminded me I need to work on adding the div codes more... Darn it. ~ Jen
June 8th, 2008 - 12:22AM EST - Don't you all love big updates? If you are thinking no, just pretend you're thinking yes. Anyway, Melissa took care of the graphic-y updates (because she's awesome and large amount of images stress me) so I decided to take care of the wordy updates ^_^ So, we have new chapters to TWO fanfictions! The Duel of Love by Ralphrius and Behind Olive Eyes by our Anonymous friend (who told me to tell you she is a girl, not a guy XD). Speaking of Behind Olive Eyes, it received a new review today (and by Ralphrius no less), so I hope you guys enjoy that :D As usual, I've added the credit to a lot of those with ??? marks as those are supposed to be Kanji. For those confused (as I've been getting a few questions on this), the way Melissa updates, she can't make the Kanji stay (which would need the text documents to be changed to unicode rather than ASCII) without screwing up the coding for the site :( So yeah. I don't mind though, she took the giant job of adding the bazillion images, this is the least I can do XD Oh! And we have several new images in the official sprite section too~ Along with one new Subaru-themed AMV ^_^ ~ Jen
June 7th, 2008 - 7:12PM EST - There's lots of new updates for you guys today! :D First off, there's new fan art in the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. There's also new official Subaru and Sprite images in the gallery. And finally, there's one new 100x100 icon and one new Sprite-Related image in the Support Images section. Hopefully after next week you'll be seeing updates from me a little more frequently since my summer break starts then. :) ~ Melissa
June 6th, 2008 - 12:02AM EST - Sorry for no kind of update yesterday...though it is still yesterday for some places... Umm...anyway, we've added two new links and that's really it... We actually do have quite a bit of art and other stuff to add, however, it's late and my computer is being stupid which is stressing me so I can't add them right now, so either Melissa or I will be adding the new stuff later and I hope you guys enjoy that~ Oh, and we entered this...We're still a bit confused over it ^^; But we hope you all wish us luck! ~ Jen
June 4th, 2008 - 9:30PM EST - We have new 50x50 icons--2 Together, 1 Subaru, and 1 Luna... We also have a few new other sized banners. Two in tiny and one in small. ^_^ ~ Jen
June 4th, 2008 - 8:36PM EST - Luna's and Geo's profiles have been updated a bit more. We'll be working on getting all of Luna's transfer messages in soon...as I replay the game with a ROM...the evil evil ROM... ~ Jen
June 4th, 2008 - 7:28PM EST - Just two more fan art pieces of Luna and one new link banner in a new "Other Sized" section there. ~ Jen
June 4th, 2008 - 2:42PM EST - Hi everyone. I was hoping to update yesterday...but I had to go to a baseball game and then fell asleep soon after we got back ^^; But yes, here's the update at the least--we have lots of new fan art in the Subaru Section, Luna Section, Together Section, and Group Section along with several new support images in 100x100, 50x50, 200x60, and the other sized banners--along with a new section called "Huge", so new stuff in the large and huge sections. We also have one new fanfiction and two new music videos (Both general Ryuusei videos). We also now have a random banner at the top because
June 3rd, 2008 - 1:19AM EST - Okay, all music videos, clips, and other miscellaneous videos now have both direct links and youtube links so if the video didn't have one of those before, it does now. We also have 4 new 100x100 icons and 5 new 50x50 icons...and with that, I'm going to bed. Night all XD ~ Jen
June 2nd, 2008 - 11:17PM EST - The only Misc. Video we have in the Misc and Clips section in the Downloads section has now been given a Youtube link meaning you no longer have to log in with the WSA account or even go to that site :D Woo. We'll be trying to add direct links to all the videos that do not have them and similarly, youtube links to all the direct videos that don't have one with our new WSA account. Hopefully that'll make things easier and make everybody happy with whatever their preference may be. Also, one more fan art of Luna has been added. ~ Jen
June 2nd, 2008 - 9:10PM EST - A bunch of new fanart has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. There's also a new 100x100 icon in the Support Images section and a new image in the Doujinshi gallery. Enjoy~! :D ~ Melissa
June 1st, 2008 - 6:11PM EST - Several new support images have been added ^_^ 4 Large Other sized banners and 2 100x100 icons. We also have a new coloring job :D Yay. ~ Jen
June 1st, 2008 - 8:53AM EST - Lookie! It's June :D So all the May updates have been moved to the "Past Updates" section. Anyway, besides that, this is just a tiny update...we have one new fan art piece of Luna along with one new official group art. Woo :D Oh, and would anybody want to know when they have a new review on their fanfiction or when we update reviews over all here at all? ^^; If enough people want to, we may start doing that, so just let us know via the contact form! ~ Jen
May 31st, 2008 - 12:50PM EST - For some reason, it feels so much later... Anyway, we have several new support images added! One to 100x100 and three to other sized banners--one large and two tiny. Enjoy everyone. ~ Jen
May 30th, 2008 - 10:51PM EST - Two new more pieces of fan art for Luna have been added. The new wallpaper additions seem to have to be pushed back until tomorrow or Sunday... They're more or less done--just need finishing touches which while there isn't much to do, what needs to be done isn't easy. However, if you're on the WSA fanlisting, feel free to send a contact form using the "Some Other Inquiry" field to see a nice preview of the wallpaper. That is all for now. ~ Jen
May 30th, 2008 - 5:20PM EST - One new fan art of Luna has been added along with one new 100x100 icon. Hopefully we'll also have a small wallpaper update depending on how this goes... ~ Jen
May 30th, 2008 - 8:30AM EST - Just a small update... Two new drawings in the Subaru fan art section, one new drawing in the Together fan art section, one new drawing in the Group fan art section, and one new official wallpaper in the Downloads section. Everything is fairly awesome so I'd recommend checking out out. There's also a few new tidbits added to the profiles for Luna and Subaru based on much talking over and whatnot, plus preparations for the second game coming out in under a month. I've also gone through and fixed all the art that needed the Kanji to be implemented in (which may have had ???'s for a while). That is all. ~ Jen
May 28th, 2008 - 10:30PM EST - The update is fully complete! :D There's new art in the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprites sections in the Fan Art section. There's also new 100x100 icons and other sized icons in the Support Images section. And there are new images in the Doujinshi section and in the Subaru and Official Sprite image galleries. Enjoy~! ~ Melissa
May 28th, 2008 - 3:44PM EST - There's new fanart in the Luna and Group sections. I'm still trying to finish the giant art update, but even though I'm working on it for as long as I can (I have to go somewhere tonight for 2-3 hours), the update might not be fully complete until tomorrow. I appologize for the delay! ~ Melissa
May 27th, 2008 - 11:07PM EST - There's new fanart in the Subaru section. This is just a small portion of the big art update though. I plan on trying to finish the rest of it tomorrow, so we'll just have to see how that goes. ~ Melissa
May 27th, 2008 - 10:18PM EST - This isn't an actual update...just one to let you all know a big art update is coming soon ^-^ Well it may not be as huge as the last SUPEROMGBIGUPDATEOFDOOM, it is still fairly large and took all day to find images thus why I'm not updating now as I'd be up all night :D But please keep on the look-out for it as tomorrow or something later this week Melissa and/or I will get it up ^_^ ~ Jen
May 26th, 2008 - 9:01PM EST - 3 New fan-made wallpapers added to the downloads section ^_^ One of Subaru and two of Luna~ ~ Jen
May 26th, 2008 - 8:40PM EST - Wow. WSA has officially hit 20,000 Unique Hits! Woo! :D
May 26th, 2008 - 5:08PM EST - Lots of new fan art additions ^_^ To Subaru, Luna, Group, AND Together! We also have a few new 100x100 icons :D Yayness! ~ Jen
May 26th, 2008 - 11:27AM EST - Well, one new fan art of Subaru has been added to his overly big fan art section and some new support images have been added too. Sadly, all of Digital Snow's artwork has been removed :( That is all. ~ Jen
May 25th, 2008 - 6:10PM EST - Two new other sized icons in the support images section and several new official sprite images added~ ~ Jen
May 25th, 2008 - 8:24AM EST - New fanfiction added. ^_^ Enjoy everyone. ~ Jen
May 25th, 2008 - 7:25AM EST - New support images have been added to the other icon and other banner sections. That is all. ~ Jen
May 24th, 2008 - 10:09PM EST - New fan art has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group galleries. ~ Melissa
May 24th, 2008 - 5:13PM EST - Woo, the 124 hit Kiriban is done too. Subaru and Luna in Kirby-formness for fun >_> Because I'm weird. Two versions too, one of Subaru with his visualizer and one without. Yayness. Both images in the Together section, as you should expect the kiribans to be in...yeah..that is all. ~ Jen
May 24th, 2008 - 3:53PM EST - The 100 hit kiriban is done! Yay! You can see it in the Together section. Sure, it's not great, but I can't draw, my eraser broke, then my pencil broke, and I had to take the picture with a camera =D Next kiriban drawings: 124, 444, 777, 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, 8K, 9K, 10K, 12,400, and 15K... yeah...this'll take a while. Anyway, we also have one new coloring job added too~ We also have one new fan listing member! Yay! ~ Jen
May 24th, 2008 - 10:30AM EST - New official sprites and a Together screencap have been added to the Image Gallery. And new pieces of art have been added to the Subaru and Custom Sprite fan art sections. I also fixed up a couple things after Jen's fanfiction overhaul to make things look a tad bit neater, but it's not really noticeable anyway. ^^; It was mainly for me since it was driving me crazy. XD; Anyways, you'll probably see another update from me later today at some point with new fan art or something, so you can look forward to that. :) ~ Melissa
May 24th, 2008 - 9:23AM EST - All the fanfiction is now up ^_^ If you see any errors, feel free to let us know through the contact form. I'll hopefully have another update for you all later. ~ Jen
May 23rd, 2008 - 7:28PM EST - Well, I got more of the fanfiction done, but it seems the last 7 stories won't be up until sometime this weekend. I apologize in advance :( Things just came up. Anyway, I'll hopefully get the final 7 added soon (unless Melissa feels like doing so) along with some new official stuff~ ~ Jen
May 22nd, 2008 - 9:33PM EST - New art has been to the Luna and Together fan art galleries. There are also new 100x100 icons, 50x50 icons, other sized icons, and other sized banners in the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
May 22nd, 2008 - 9:09PM EST - It seems the fanfiction overhaul will be heading over to tomorrow. While I managed to get the main page and all the reviews back up, the fanfiction will take a bit longer :( I'm going to still try and get stuff done, but due to a horrible headache, I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to finish. I apologize in advance, but if there are any broken URLs in the fanfiction section, this is why. Thank you for your understanding and I apologize for the delay. ~ Jen
May 22nd, 2008 - 9:54AM EST - IMPORTANT EVERYONE! I will be giving the fanfiction page a big overhaul today to make it neater. The review section -will- still exist, though, they won't be added immediately as to get rid of spam reviews and to make it so that people's scores will not be ruined by random spammers ^^; And other bots. But yes, because of this, you may stumble upon "broken links" or whatnot. If you do, don't be alarmed. It'll hopefully be all done by this evening, but I have a lot of work to do. Melissa should bring you some updates later--or if I find time, I will :D ~ Jen
May 21st, 2008 - 7:18PM EST - Well, we have a small update, but hopefully you guys enjoy it anyway. We have one new "fan art" page called "Edits". If you're confused on what that is, the actual page explains it. One new official group image has also been added and that's about it ^^; Sorry for the small update, but I hope you like it anyway. ~ Jen
May 21st, 2008 - 3:30AM EST - Yeah...I'm up late...again. Anyway, a few re-vampings rather than new additions this time. In the Support Other Banners Section, all medium and large banners now have thumbnails as some were ridiculously huge and it looks neater now. We also have given the downloads section a re-vamp, separating stuff like we did with the support images section previously as to make it easier to find stuff. Enjoy everyone! ~ Jen
May 20th, 2008 - 11:17PM EST - A few more 100x100 icons have been added along with new fan art in the Subaru Section, Together Section, and Group Section. :D ~ Jen
May 20th, 2008 - 5:46PM EST - I wasn't expecting to update again this soon. XD Anyways, some new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. :) ~ Melissa
May 20th, 2008 - 5:26PM EST - Just one new addition to the Subaru fan art gallery. Hopefully my next update will have a bit more bulk to it. XD; ~ Melissa
May 20th, 2008 - 1:21PM EST - A few new fan-made sprites and two new pieces of fan art of Subaru have been added to the appropriate fan art sections :3 ~ Jen
May 20th, 2008 - 12:42PM EST - Several new support stuff has been added--a new section for color bars and a bunch of 100x100 icons and one new other sized icon. We also have a new link on the side under the fan section with a Subaru x Luna LiveJournal community~ That's pretty much it for now ^^; Enjoy nonetheless! ~ Jen
May 18th, 2008 - 1:47AM EST - Well, we have one new fan listing member :D Bringing us to 25--a new milestone! Yay! Also, one new official image of Subaru added as well~ ~ Jen
May 17th, 2008 - 6:29PM EST - We got a message from Tomo Inuzumi (Izm) about their art and while they were very nice and polite about it, they did say no, so you'll see their art slowly being removed today :( I apologize for this, but as Melissa mentioned, we do have to respect the artists' wishes. And trust me, nobody is more upset about this than I am T____T However, we do have one new image in the doujinshi section and a new link in a more positive note I guess. ~ Jen
May 16th, 2008 - 10:05PM EST - Sorry for the lack of updates for the past couple of days! Jen and I had been collecting new art for the site, but neither of us could manage to actually post the new stuff until today. ^^; Anyways, there's new fan art in the Subaru, Luna, Together, Group, and Custom Sprite sections. There's also a new 100x100 icon in the Support Images section and a new Fan-made Wallpaper in the Downloads section. And finally, there's two new official images in the Subaru Image Gallery. Enjoy the new stuff! :) ~ Melissa
May 14th, 2008 - 7:06PM EST - Not the update I was expecting XD But WSA has now hit 15K unique hits! Yay!
May 14th, 2008 - 3:47AM EST - One new coloring job has been added. ^^; That's about it. I may have another update later though~ ~ Jen
May 13th, 2008 - 6:41PM EST - We have received a notice from StruggleXX asking for us to remove any of their art that doesn't have their website name in the picture. Unfortunately, almost all of their art didn't have it, so many pieces were removed. However, all of the sprites they made were okay to keep, so those have been left up. I know this is disappointing news (especially since they were one of the first artists featured on the site, as well as one of my favorite artists), but like we have said before, we have to do what the artists ask of us since it's their art. I appologize again for the sad news. :( But if they ever decide to change their mind, we'll be sure to add the art back to the site. :) ~ Melissa
May 13th, 2008 - 5:15PM EST - 1 new fan art of Subaru added along with 1 new fan art of Luna. We also have one new addition to the fan art spite section along with a new sprite support image. ^_^ Enjoy :D ~ Jen
May 13th, 2008 - 4:12PM EST - I got the rest of the stuff up. ^_^ More new fan art spread around, plus a new wallpaper in the downloads section (which we're still debating on whether to split it up or not--any suggestions are welcome~). We also have some new large banners in the other banners support images section. If you think any of the large banners should be in the medium section and vice versa, feel free to let us know. I also added the names to a lot of art with ???'s. Most of the recent ones, if you noticed, had question marks rather than the name... See, Melissa uploads pages through the FTP :3 I do them through the web manager. Sadly, because of how the pages have to be saved for that, the Japanese characters won't show up @-@ Thus, I added them here :3 Also, if you notice any other question mark images for who the art is by (Meaning, not icons, as people who's icon name is ??? are people who asked to be anonymous ^^; Just stuff that says Art is by ??? or like in the fan art and doujinshi section, stuff that are "By ???" ^^; But yes, as always, feel free to contact us at anytime with the contact form on the contact page! ~ Jen
May 13th, 2008 - 7:04AM EST - I didn't get to finish adding everything last night, but I got most of it up. New fan art was added to the Subaru, Luna, Togther, Group, and Custom Sprite sections, and two new icons were added to the 100x100 Support Images section. I'll add the rest of the stuff later today with today's updates, so look forward to that. :) ~ Melissa
May 12th, 2008 - 11:04AM EST - The 2nd chapter of Ryuusei no Chibis has been added ^_^ And we'll hopefully have a big fan art update, mostly for Luna (which is nice for a change), sometime later. We have it ready, we just need to find the chance to add it all XD ~ Jen
May 12, 2008 - 12:59AM EST - Ahahaha... ^^; I actually updated Luna's and Subaru's profiles a bit...hours ago. I had Luna's opened for hours and forgot to saved it, while Subaru's had been saved and it just completely slipped my mind. I actually have other stuff to add, but it's late and I have to get up early, so unless I feel awake enough to do so, the update probably won't happen until later ^^; Sorry for the lateness everyone! ~ Jen
May 11th, 2008 - 12:35AM EST - Several new support images added--new 200x60 banners, new 100x100 icons, new 50x50 icons, new other sized icons, and new other sized banners. We also added on new image to the sprite section. Enjoy everyone! Also, Happy Mother's Day to everyone's mother or you if you're a mother! ^_^ ~ Jen
May 10th, 2008 - 6:17PM EST - One new link added, two need wallpapers added, the RnR 88 AMV has been updated with a URL to a high quality version, one new 100x100 support image icon, and new fan art added to the Subaru section, Luna section, Group Section, and the Together section! We also hit the 12.4K milestone...but no screenshot because I missed capturing it and it's over 13K now... XD Next hit milestone is 15K, but yes, enjoy everyone! ~ Jen
May 10th, 2008 - 2:24AM EST - I really shouldn't be up this late. I know. >_> As I said before, sleeping is really screwed up...ANYWAY, time for the new updates: 1 new 100x100 icon added, 1 new wallpaper added, 1 tinny banner and 2 new large banners added to the other sized banners support images section, and a direct link for Crush's AMV has been added as well. Yay! ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 10:34PM EST - Some new fan art has been added to the Subaru, Luna, and Group fan art galleries. And some new 100x100 icons have been added to the Support Images section. And I also added my response to the new F.A.Q. question that Jen posted the other day. :) ~ Melissa
May 9th, 2008 - 9:45PM EST - One new large support banner added. ^_^ ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 7:19PM EST - One new music video added! :D ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 5:34PM EST - A lot of Subaru fan art has been re-added along with two new additions. We also added new art of Luna and the two together, plus a new 50x50 icon and a new 100x100 icon in the Support Images section. ^_^ ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 8:24AM EST - There's a nice new Warning Image in the Doujinshi section so hopefully people will not just skip over the warning this time ^^; Other than that, we've been adding a bit of a script to make the pages look neater~ We'll have some other new additions a bit later. ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 3:09AM EST - Greg, the owner of DATS, decided to give WSA it's very own forum over there! ^_^ How awesome is that? If you'd like to check it out, it's on the sidebar under "Fans" along with a link to the Subaru and Luna Fan Group at DATS as well. You will have to join the message board to post in the forum and join the group, and I hope you do, as we'd all love to see you there! =D (And yes, Melissa, this means you can't lurk anymore XD) ~ Jen
May 9th, 2008 - 2:53AM EST - The Support Image section has been given a bit of a make-over along with some new additions. We also have new clips in the downloads section. I may have a tiny update later ^_^ Just waiting to here back about it~ But yes, enjoy! Also, I've noticed a few people have asked how Melissa and I do our updates...Well, we make a little folder with stuff and then whoever gets to it first adds it XD That's about it. But yeah, usually every update is mixed with stuff from both of us ^_^ ~ Jen
May 8th, 2008 - 8:42AM EST - Several new fan-made wallpapers have been added along with some new support images and new Luna fan art ^_^ Yay. ~ Jen
May 8th, 2008 - 9:34AM EST - One new FAQ question added :3 Melissa is free to add her answer if she feels she has an answer to it, and I think she should so :P Anyway, I'll be heading to sleep now as I wasn't able to get any rest last night because my luck sucks as do my allergies ^_^ Night all, enjoy the new FAQ question! ~ Jen
May 7th, 2008 - 11:17PM EST - One new official group image added. ^_^ ~ Jen
May 7th, 2008 - 1:44AM EST - A few new 100x100 icons have been added. Also, one new fan art of Subaru and Luna together has been added as well :D Yayness. ~ Jen
May 6th, 2008 - 11:35PM EST - Added one new image of Luna in the fan art galleries. ^_^ Also, fixed some of my own typos that I noticed when I was reading over Melissa's answers... XD I don't actually proof read anything I write (Thus why my updates tend to be fairly horrible :P And full of all sorts of issues. Same goes to things I write), as it bothers me to do so, so yeah, I tend to mess up a lot in some areas >> But that's fixed and there's new artwork of Luna at the very least so everybody should be happy :D Hopefully ^^; ~ Jen
May 6th, 2008 - 11:05PM EST - Some new artwork has been added to the Subaru, Together, and Group fan art galleries. And because Jen said I could if I wanted to, I've added responses to some of the questions in the F.A.Q. section. So if you're actually interested in what I have to say, you can check that out. Otherwise, just checking out the new fanart is enough to please me. XD ~ Melissa
May 6th, 2008 - 12:13PM EST - Yeah...I accidentally screwed up and missed a part of the latest chapter of Behind Olive Eyes which the author was nice enough to tell me about on MSNM XD Luckily it's the very last part, so if you're keeping up with it, you won't have to re-read anything. But yes, all fixed now ^^; Sorry for the mistake...my fault for updating early in the morning...at least I got the date right :( ~ Jen
May 6th, 2008 - 4:43AM EST - One new piece of artwork added to the Together Section along with one new piece of artwork to the Group Section :D Remember, we're always open to any kind of submissions (except Hentai. We don't accept hentai people >_>), even stick figures, so if you have something, please submit! :D ~ Jen
May 6th, 2008 - 4:27AM EST - Yeah, I can't sleep :/ But at least that means an update for you guys! Just a new chapter of "Behind Olive Eyes", but I hope you enjoy anyway. ~ Jen
May 5th, 2008 - 9:53PM EST - One new fan-made wallpaper added along with one new group image added to the Group Fan Art Gallery :D Enjoy people! ~ Jen
May 5th, 2008 - 5:19PM EST - Several new other sized support icons have been added to the Support Images section. ^_^ That is all! ~ Jen
May 5th, 2008 - 2:14PM EST - Wow. An update already. One new screen shot has been added to the Subaru Image Gallery :D Also, Happy Cinco De Mayo to those who celebrate it! ~ Jen
May 5th, 2008 - 2:01PM EST - Maybe we should start putting the time in our updates XXD It seems to be easier, especially when we just keep on updating for the day. Melissa and I are both in the same timezone, so times shouldn't get messed up...unless we update at the same time (which HAS happened once XD). So, let's try this out for the day (and watch there be like no updates so that this test will end up being a waste XP) and then decide what to use. If you have a preference or would like to offer an opinion, please contact us! Anyway, onto the updates that I made this update for to begin with, we have three new wallpapers :D Two being fan-made and one being an official one! ^_^ Yay! We hope you all enjoy them. (And because I know somebody will ask: EST is 3 hours ahead of PST. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.) ~ Jen
May 4th, 2008 (the updates never stop! XD) - Like I said earlier, here's my tiny update! One piece of art was added to the Subaru fan art gallery (on page 2), and one piece was added to the Luna fan art gallery (on page 9). Enjoy! ~ Melissa
May 4th, 2008 (yes, another one XD) - Wow. We hit a new milestone today...or possibly earlier. I need to check more. But yeah, seeing how we hit 1,000 hits on May 2nd, we hit the 10,000 unique hits mark today! Isn't that great? =D And we've only had the counter for a little over a month...I'll admit though, this does make me feel bad about the lack of YAYWEHITTHISMANYHITS images... because...I can't draw. Maybe I'll try doing -something- to make up for it, for all the past ones too. But yes, now that we hit 10K, we will no longer be updating for every new 1K amount we hit :3
May 4th, 2008 (yet again) - One new piece of art was added to the Luna fan art gallery. I put it on page 8 instead of page 9 in order to start filling it up again. There might be another tiny update from me later tonight, but we'll just have to see how things go. ~ Melissa
May 4th, 2008 (once more) - And look at that, one new piece of art added to the Luna Section! Also, "Behind Olive Eyes" has a new chapter and we have two other fanfiction additions as well! ~ Jen
May 4th, 2008 (again) - One new link added! :D And now, to get down to business about something I've been being asked about a lot lately. Yes, several of you have noticed pieces of art disappearing from the gallery besides the ones I mentioned. To put it simply, the same reason for those removed was the same as the first. Now, a lot of you felt this was stupid to do, send messages to people who probably wouldn't understand you. "They'd never find the site" and "You shouldn't care". I'll admit, part of me felt similar, but in the end, I knew this is the right thing to do. Art Theft isn't a nice thing and is illegal. I see hundreds of American artists having to deal with Italian fans or Korean fans or heck, just other Americans that steal their art for display of things without their permission. While I've never had to deal with art theft as my art sucks, I've had to deal with a lot of idea theft, and even someone stealing a drawing I had commissioned, and I know for a fact it sucks. For an example, just because someone in your family owns a candy shop, that doesn't give you permission to eat every single thing in the shop for free. You may get a few samples, but you can't just take the whole thing. A lot of the people have let us keep art, or heck, even keep some things, while not all, and what they ask removed is perfectly reasonable, as the art happened to be "gifts", but not the "free for all" kind. I can't read Kanji, I can't always tell, and I've seen art on sites before that would just be "Dear Viewer" as a freebie. Star Wave, one of the many sites, was nice enough to explain to me exactly what it tends to say if it is, indeed, a gift for someone specifically. While she asked for some stuff to be removed, she let us keep a majority, just hoping we wouldn't use too much, which is perfectly understandable. These are people who have no idea what I'm saying and are being nice enough to respond, let alone, actually try and see what I'm saying. They try so hard to understand you and your reasoning and respond as quickly as they could, hoping you can understand. And I've been to Japan, I've met people like this, and they're so incredibly nice. So yeah, you may think it's stupid, but over all, even if we have to remove pieces of art, I wouldn't change that, because these are great people who have feelings too, and as I said, it's the right thing to do. I have added links to all the sites that we had to remove some art from, and even to sites that let us keep all of the artwork, so you guys can always go to their sites and check out their art! I'm sure they'd appreciate that. But yes, this upset is long...and most of it isn't even an update XD Either way, more art will come and replace those removed, and if any of them change their minds, we can always add the art back, so please, just respect both my decision and there's. After all, if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have any of this art to begin with! ~ Jen
May 4th, 2008 - 1 new piece of fan art added to the Luna Section :D Also, 3 new banners in the Other Sizes section of support images! Enjoy everyone! ~ Jen
May 3rd, 2008 (again) - One new wallpaper added! ^_^ Also, several more links as well. ~ Jen
May 3rd, 2008 - Another new music video has been added! This time, by myself... XD It's only my second, but I hope you all like it anyway. ~ Jen
May 2nd, 2008 (once more) - A new music video has been added. I highly recommend it so I hope you all check it out :D ~ Jen
May 2nd, 2008 (again) - New Art up~ I hope everybody likes the new additions. You can find the art in the Subaru Section, Luna Section, and Group Section. ~ Jen
May 2nd, 2008 - One new link added. That is all. An Art Update will be coming soon, though. ~ Jen
May 1st, 2008 (again) - Two new links added. Also, we got an e-mail back from Blue&Red today :( Sadly, we didn't get permission, so I have removed all of their art from the site. Sad, I know, especially as their Subaru-Luna art was one of my favorites... But yes, if they ever change their minds, it will be added back, but as it is the artist's work, we must listen to what they'd prefer, but yes, I apologize once again. Sorry for the sad news! ~ Jen
May 1st, 2008 - Hi everyone. All April updates have been moved to the past updates section. Added various pieces of art, some that I found yesterday and some submitted through the form and things that friends found for me and gave me to put on the site~ Moving on, you can find the new art pieces in the Subaru Section, Luna Section, Sprite Section, Together Section, and Group Section. We also have some new 100x100 and even one 50x50 icons in the Support Image section and some new additions to the Subaru gallery in the Image Gallery section! Also, if you think a certain screenshot should be added to the official image gallery section, just let us know and we'll add it :D (And this goes for you too, Melissa XD If you think we need a screenshot, add it missy :P) We won't be putting EVERY single appearance of Subaru or Luna, especially not Subaru as the image gallery would be like 500 pages long...just "unique" images or amusing or emotion-touching or sweet or...yeah, you get the point, but yes, if you think something goes under these categories, just use the contact form! :D Also, we've now hit 9K unique hits (and 19K hits over all):
April 29th, 2008 (again) - A much smaller update compared to the awesome work Melissa has done (As I am also, sadly, obsessed with Mario Kart Wii and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2. The awesomeness level is too awesome to describe), but I hope you guys will like it anyway~ Mostly just one new link added to the link section and a few updates done to the Proof section, fixing various things just to make it look neater. ^_^ But yes, I hope you all enjoy, nonetheless. ~ Jen
April 29th, 2008 - This update took me much longer to make than I expected it would. @_@ First off, one new image was added to the Subaru Image Gallery. Next, two new images were added to the Support Images page in the other sizes section. And finally, a bunch of new art was added to the Fan Art section in the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group galleries. Also, we've created a brand new page in the fan art section: Custom Sprites! :D All of the sprites that you may have seen mixed in with the regular fan art has been moved to this page, and some new sprites were added as well. Today was a BIG update, so I hope you guys liked it! :) ~ Melissa
April 28th, 2008 - New Fan Art has been added to the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group galleries. But thanks should go to Jen for finding the art for this update. All I did was add it to the right pages. ^^; But I plan on getting back on track tomorrow with updates. Blame Mario Kart Wii for being so addictive and keeping me from working on site stuff. XD; ~Melissa
April 27th, 2008 (again) - One new fanfiction update :D You can check it out here! ^_^ Also, we've hit 8,000 unique page views and 17,000 page views over all! :D Thank you all for visiting!
April 27th, 2008 - Another early morning update, and luckily, the month is right this time. Just one new image added to the Subaru art section...that's all. ~ Jen
April 26th, 2008 (so many updates...) - Yep, another update for today. We've gotten a lot of submissions for the support page, so yeah, more have been added XD But they're all great so I'm sure you all will luff them. We also added two new AMV's to the downloads section along with one of the AMV's now having a direct download~ ~ Jen
April 26th, 2008 (yet again) - A few new 100x100 icons and a few new other sized images have been added to the Support Image Section :D 2 additions are by Crush from DATs, quite a few from Lovery Light, and several are by myself ^_^ But yeah, I hope you all like them! ~ Jen
April 26th, 2008 (once more) - Oh god XD *fixes* I managed to notice I forgot to add my name >> Because I'm stupid. But yeah, I was exhausted last night. Hey, at least the month started with an A! That's progress! XD But yeah, I didn't do as much as Melissa did, but I've added a text areas with BBcode for those who want to link to our site on forums (which we thank you greatly for) ^_^ So I hope that makes things easier. WSA -- Where we support Subaru X Luna and try to make things easier for people :D Yay. ~ Jen
April 26th, 2008 (again) - First, let's all make note of just how tired Jen was this morning by looking at what month she said it was when she updated. XD Now, for the updates, I've added new art to the Subaru, Together, and Group Fan Art Galleries. I've also posted some new buttons and banners on the Link to Us page. And I added anchor tags on that page too, so you can just go right to the banner size you want. :) I hope you guys enjoy the new stuff! ~ Melissa
April 25th, 2008 (again) - Hi guys! I've posted some new art in the Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group Fan Art Galleries, so check those out. If all goes well, there might be some more art added later tonight too. :) I just need to look through Jen's HUGE list of fan art sites, which is a part of why it takes so much time to add new stuff. But if I find anything new, I'll be sure to add it! ~ Melissa
April 25th, 2008 - Oh. My. God. Ryuusei no Rockman 3 has been announced! Thus, a new official image of Subaru has been added to his gallery along with a new Official Wallpaper! Yay! ^___^ AND we hit 7K unique hits, woo!:
April 24th, 2008 (again) - A bit more of an update with anchor tags to the fan listing page, the downloads page, and the support images page. The fan listing page also quite a few other updates as well so I hope it encourages more people to join :D ~ Jen
April 24th, 2008 - A few more updates to the contact form and Fan listing join-age form :3 You now get a confirmation and a Thank you page so I hope you guys enjoy that~ Plus, this way you can tell your form has been sent through. If you do not reach the Thank you page, your form has not been sent. Anyway, I sadly can't do much else update-wise today :( But I'm sure Melissa will make up for any of the art updates that may come today~ <3 ~ Jen
April 23rd, 2008 (again) - Hey guys! ^_^ As I'm sure you noticed, Melissa made her first update! Yay! :D I hope you guys enjoyed it~ And see that it's not as easy as it may seem when I pop out updates ^^; It takes me about 3 hours searching through sites just for stuff for you guys, and longer to save and make thumbnails of everything. If that wasn't enough, it takes several more hours to get all the images up (and very rarely is it so tiny that it takes under 30 minutes). The longest update is still the big update a while back which took over a day and a half for me to get done over all. About a day to just save and make thumbnails and look at sites, with about 12-16 hours just adding stuff to the site. But yeah, it takes a lot of work so please don't take the updates for granted ^^; Anyway, I decided to finish up the updates for today, though, we may have a bit more to add depending on what Melissa managed to find :D As my finding skills aren't perfect. But yeah, we'll exchange sites and whatever we find out :3 So hopefully we'll keep up to everything ^_^ Remember, if you know a good place with stuff you'd like to see here, let us know! Also, Lyoko, our special helper with all things code-y, is adding a bit of an addition to the fanfiction review thing as to lessen those bots that leave spam reviews, so hopefully that'll make things more pleasant~ But back to the subject of updates, art has been added to: Subaru, Luna, Together, and Group sections, we also have a few more 100x100 icons added to the support section and a few things to the doujinshi section, and finally, I've added a form to the contact page so you people who are lazy don't have to be...lazy anymore XD Anyway, we also hit another milestone--over 6,000 unique hits and 14K overall AND we have two more fan listing members! Yay!
April 23rd, 2008 - After my first day of working for the site, I have no clue how Jen managed to maintain this all by herself for this long. @_@ Anyways, the update is rather small since I didn't have enough time to finish putting everything together, but some new art has been added to the Subaru Fan Art Gallery. There's also a new 100x100 icon on the Support Images page. Hopefully my next update will be better! ^^; ~ Melissa
April 22nd, 2008 - A late night update before bed~ A few more fan art additions, to all the same sections, except instead of comics and the Luna section, there is one new addition the doujinshi section. We also have new support images too. Melissa is also now an official member of the WSA staff :D Woooo. So, I shall start leaving my name when I update so you know it's me and not her ^_^ ALL UPDATES BEFORE THIS WERE ME! Anyway, hopefully this will get me to relax a bit more (Which nearly everyone who knows me knows I have trouble with) especially as I leave for vacation in a few hours (Which is why I shouldn't be up updating for you guys to begin with), but yes, enjoy~ And Welcome Melissa MUCHLY :D MUUUUCHHHLLLLY. ~ Jen
April 21st, 2008 - Yep, another big fan art update today. There's updates to the following fan art galleries: Subaru, Luna, Group, Together, and Comics! We also have a few new additions to the Support Images page and I added a new link banner to the link us section :3 Now, why another big update?
April 20th, 2008 - Woo! It's a new day! (And now I have a song stuck in my head...ANYWAY, moving onto updates...) Some new art has been added to the Luna Fan Art Gallery, the Subaru Fan Art Gallery, the Group Fan Art Gallery, and the Together Fan Art Gallery! :D However, these will be added to earlier pages as with the addition of the donation button and F.A.Q. link, I now have room for 5 more images per page ^^; So I'll be filling those up with some new ones. Anyway, I will be leaving for vacation on Tuesday and won't be back until Friday, so updates will be a bit slow for a while :( But I hope these additions will be good for now! (Besides, it seems most visitors just visit the art section anyway T___T But I luff you people in a platonic way anyhow.)
April 19th, 2008 (Updates just aren't stopping today) - Well, we got one new member to the fan listing :D Yay! Also, the FAQ section got a few more revisions thanks to my boyfriend, ZC, who helped make it easier to understand what I had to say and explain my reasoning without it seeming like I was telling people off >> Sorry about that. But yeah, if you weren't exactly great at getting everything I said the first time or felt it was a bit rude, I apologize, but check out the newly improved reason for better answers and less criticizing which I didn't mean to do.
April 19th, 2008 (And again...) - Small revision to the FAQ question because I got carried away. It's frustrating answering the same questions a lot, but I now made nicer and shorter (sort of) answers.
April 19th, 2008 (yet again) - Another small update...Yeah, I need to learn to take breaks. Anyway, one small addition to the doujinshi section. Also, a new F.A.Q. page has been added under the Site square thingy in the menu bar~ I'm hoping this will answer the questions people usually have for me, so if you have time, make sure to take a look and see if your question is there. If you have an idea of something that should go there, contact me and let me know~
April 19th, 2008 (once more) - Yay! More updates! Anyway, due to the sudden popular LET'SALLCOLORNINJALUNA party today (Okay, so just two of my friends surprised me by both coloring her when I mentioned my lack of any art skills in my journal XD BUT STILL!), I decided to make a "Coloring" section in Fan Art. More or less, this is for any coloring-awesomeness that a fan (like one who may be reading this) did while coloring some of the line art on the site~ Or, if you just like seeing tons of pretty colors together (Sorry to those who are color blind :( ), it'll be nice to see all the coloring jobs in one place, right? Right! But yes, check out the new section and I hope you all like it ^_^
April 19th, 2008 (again) - Well, here's a small, yet less serious and more normal update XD First of all, 1 new image was added to the groups image gallery along with 1 one new image to the sprites gallery...Hoping to get more screenshots from the game eventually...Just need to download the ROM...again. Moving on, we also have one new image in the Luna Art Gallery--a colored version of another one of the inked black and white drawings done by my good friend, Louize ^_^ (And she'll be doing another one of the actual colors soon as well), so I hope you guys enjoy! Also, we've hit ANOTHER milestone already o-o; 11K+ hits and 5K+ unique hits...Yeah, here's our nice little image:
April 19th, 2008 - Hi everyone. This is a much more serious update and I'd really appreciate if everybody read this... To put it simply, we have a new donation button in the menu bar right at the bottom. Now, please don't feel obligated to donate, it is not mandatory in any way. Crystal-dreams is a domain I got about six years ago and it's where I host all my web sites and graphics (Yes, this isn't my only web site!), and the domain is far from cheap. While it has a pretty good price, my parents do help me out and in return, I try and get any money someone may be willing to give to help keep the site running. It goes right to the domain payments paypal account and helps pay for the payment for the year. For those curious, the domain is 40 dollars a month to keep up. Yeah, that's 480 dollars a year. Contrary to popular belief, we're not rich and we do have plenty of finance troubles, just like most people. Anyway, I'll wrap this up, in short: Any donations are appreciated, though not mandatory. If you find you have any spare money and really enjoy this site, just think of us, okay? If anybody does donate, I'll make sure to give a nice Thank you shout out and make a cute little donation page~ But for now, Thank you to those who read this and I'm sorry for the more serious and less site content related update.
April 18th, 2008 - Yep, more updates, because I'm a freak who won't give myself a break XP Anyway, we have new fan art in all the sections except comics. We also have some new official art everywhere except groups and sprites. If you don't see the new art on the last page of where you're looking, try looking at one of the earlier pages as I'm trying to fill them up still~ And I don't want to just move old art around as some are put a certain way for a reason :P Finally, some official wallpaper has been added to the downloads section and is under a different divider than the fan-made wallpapers ^_^ But yeah, just figured I might as well, so I hope you all like the updates!
April 17th, 2008 (once more) - Some new official art added along with some being moved a bit (Like on Subaru's 9th page of doom. It's no longer doomish). Also, as Luna has officially been drawn with glasses, I've made a note in her profile page that she does wear contacts.
April 17th, 2008 - As promised, I've gotten numbers for each page on every page of every section of the fan art gallery and the image gallery, so this way, you won't have to keep clicking next. You will know what page you are on as the number will be in bold. It will also be in the address bar! Speaking of the address bar, we now have a cute little icon thingy which will appear next to it :D However, it'll only show on Firefox, Netscape 7+, IE 5+, and something called Konqueror...erm, anyway, yeah, so if you have one of those, it should show up in all it's cute little glory <3 But yes, we even added new art to all of the fan art galleries. Moving on, we also hit ANOTHER hit milestone! O__o; Yeah, I'm convinced we're either stalked or most of you are too shy/lazy to sign up for the fan listing T___T But I'm leading toward the former because I mean, there's even an automatic form, you don't even have to e-mail me personally! Erm, anyway, onto the statistics:
April 16th, 2008 (again) - Okay, I lied, a few more things added to the Support Images section. For those confused, that used to be the Icons/Banners section, I changed the name to what I had wanted it to be...I just didn't think of a way for it to fit >> Yes, I'm stupid sometimes. Most of the small additions and moving around around some stuff from the Dou section that I figured didn't belong there to the Luna art gallery and the Together art gallery. Trust me, it's very few things, but for those who never looked through the Doujinshi gallery, I promise the things moved are cute and definitely safe with no hidden innuendo's :) Also, due to the GIANTARTUPDATEOFDOOM, I will be working on something that helps everyone get around the art galleries and image galleries a bit easier as I'm sure going through each page one by one sucks. It had been meaning to do this, but I was lazy and the idea of having to constantly update it would be annoying...HOWEVER, because I love those who actually view this site for supportive reasons and are not scary stalkers, I am going to try and work on this tonight/tomorrow (Most likely tomorrow) and hopefully, you'll all enjoy it~
April 16th, 2008 - Not too much of an update, just a few things moved around with maybe one new addition~ But yeah, I hope things look a bit more organized nonetheless.
April 15th, 2008 - A few more stuff added to the fan art section and icon/banner section, though, I'm sure it won't be too easy to notice with that big update recently, it might just seem to merge together. In a different note, WSA has hit 3,000 unique hits and over 7,000 over all, so once again, Thank you all for visiting and we're glad you enjoy the site!
April 14th, 2008 - Well, besides the giant update yesterday, I've been adding a few more images and whatnot to the same sections (Doujinshi, the Fan Art Galleries, and the Support Icon/Banner section) on and off throughout yesterday evening and early today~ Whether more will pop up, who knows :P But don't expect another giant update like yesterday unless I procrastinate again or I stumble upon a motherload of awesomeness/get over my fear of commissioning. We also have a bit of a fanfiction update~
April 13th, 2008 - Well, as promised, the art update is done! We have a few new doujinshi images, some new support icons and whatnot, and finally, tons of new art pieces added to the newly updated art page which now has categories as the page has gotten quite big :3 And in another happy note, we'd hit 2K unique hits (and 5K hits overall)!
April 12th, 2008 - First of all, a new wallpaper is up! One that has been in the progress for a while, but it is finally joining it's partner so yayness. In a different note, I did get what I needed off my hard drive (Except my bookmarks, still looking for those...), so expect a large art update later today or tomorrow! :D
April 11th, 2008 (once more) - Look! More updates! Yay! Okay, so I've added a few more things to the art section and I am happy to report I finally got into the stupid folder in my old hard drive. Please realize though, while this is OMGYAY news, it takes a LONG time to transfer things :( However, hopefully this means I can get the big art update up tonight or tomorrow~ If it's not done by Monday, chances are my hard drive hates me and kicked me out again, so wish my luck and I hope to bring you guys the update soon!
April 11th, 2008 (again) - One new art piece added. Some more may be added later today and sometime over the week, but no big updates until my stupid hard drive behaves :(
April 11th, 2008 - Hey guys. Some images have been moved around a bit and one new wallpaper has been added to the downloads section. I'm currently in the process of getting files off my Hard drive to make that big art update I was talking to you all about, but it's taking a lot longer than I'd like. Trust me, nobody is more upset about it then I am and it's passed 1AM now and I'm STILL trying to get it to let me access the evil folder. It'll be hard enough transferring stuff, it could at least be a bit quicker giving me access... But yeah, I hope to finish soon :( Or at least get some new content for you guys during the wait... In a different note, one new fanfiction was also added.
April 8th, 2008 (again) - One new person added to the fan listing. ^_^
April 8th, 2008 - Well, 1 new piece of art of the two together has been added to the fan art section. I'm hoping to add a few more of them together soon...In a different note, once my old laptop is back, there will not only be a huge art update, but the art section will get a big makeover as well~ So look forward to that! We also have one new addition to the Sprite image gallery. Hopefully we'll get more additions once I can get used to the emulator rom...Stupid camera failing at taking images in real life T___T
April 5th, 2008 - Umm...Wow. Hey Guys...This isn't really too much of an update, but I figured it was worthy enough to post:
April 3rd, 2008 - A few more music videos have been added. There's still one being decided on, but we figured these are supportive, despite weird song choices...If you get confused, don't worry, I get confused too.
April 2nd, 2008 - Added a few new music videos to the downloads section ^_^ Hope everyone likes them~ There may be a few more additions sometime, but I'm debating on it...
April 1st, 2008 - We have a new member of the fanlisting :D Which brings us to the mini-milestone of 20! Yay! (And a Happy Birthday to my dad...still not caring that this is off topic >_>)
March 30th, 2008 (once more) - One new banner added using the shipping name that Toadman SP and I came up with. You can also view it in the updated intro up top :P But yes, I hope you all like it~ If you have any ideas, feel free to contact me!
March 30th, 2008 (again) - Another new fanlisting member has been added! :D ...That is all >>
March 30th, 2008 - 2 new images added to the Doujinshi art gallery. You can find them on page 2 of the gallery. I'm hoping to add a bunch of solo images once I get my old laptop back (As I had a lot of old images on there and it would be very hard to re-find them :/) so I hope you guys don't mind waiting!
March 29th, 2008 - Quite a few updates for today ^-^ Well, sort of. Lots of new screenshots have been added to the Luna, Subaru, and Group galleries. We also added one new piece of fan art of the two together, and finally, one new fanfiction is up! I hope you all enjoy the new content :D We also had one other addition the proof section of the RnR Tribe Anime~
March 28th, 2008 - Hey guys. As I'm sure you know, the finale of Ryuusei no Rockman Tribe aired today :( It had a few cute moments that have been added to the proof section though and I'll be sure to get some screenshots once the HQ episode of it is up ^_^ As the one I watched is worse quality than usual XD But yes, hope you guys will be excited for that!
March 27th, 2008 - The proof section has gotten a few new additions. I know I said I wouldn't announce it, but I figured I'd do it anyway :D Not to mention that there are new subbed episodes over at GRN and the fact that the second game should be out in English in about 2 months and a half...So much awesome T___T <3
March 26th, 2008 - 3 new pieces of fan-art added of the two together and 1 group fan-art =D As I'm sure people have noticed, the section is getting pretty big, so I'll be working on switching it up a bit soon. I'm not sure whether I should sort it by "Artist" or by "Type" (Ie: Luna, Subaru, Together, and Groups), so if anybody would like to suggest which they'd prefer or even a whole different idea, let me know!
March 26th, 2008 - 1 new member added to the Fan Listing ^-^ Yayness <3
March 25th, 2008 (once more) - Two new group fan art pieces added to the fan art section =D Yay.
March 25th, 2008 (again) - 2 more 100x100 icons added to the Icon/Banner page. I did these a lot differently than most icons I do, so they are probably a little different... ^^;
March 25th, 2008 - New 100x100 icons added to the Icon/Banner page ^_^
March 24th, 2008 - As promised, the next chapter of "Behind Olive Eyes" is up! Also, new fan art of the two together has been added :D Yay.
March 23rd, 2008 - First, Happy Easter to those who celebrate it~ Anyway, a new fanfiction has been added to the fanfiction page called "Over It". "Behind Olive Eyes" will get it's new chapter tomorrow. I was going to get it up tonight, but it's late and I really need sleep.
March 20th, 2008 (again) - Okay, to make up for the fact that the next chapter of BOE will be up late, I uploaded a quick picture I had been debating on uploading for a while that I re-found seeing how it was one of the first Luna-Subaru images I had seen. It's a 4 panel comic and while I can't understand any of it, the pictures are cute. Moving on, I hope it makes up for it, sadly, when it comes to adding a story, I have to do a lot more work than adding a picture :/ But yeah, I hope to get it up sometime tomorrow or this weekend.
March 20th, 2008 - Hi everyone. Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day and Happy Early Easter. No real updates right now, I apologize in advance. Our anonymous friend did send me the next chapter of "Behind Olive Eyes", but she knows my life is a mess right now so she asked me to wait until things worked out a bit better beforehand. More or less, I'm sick, my laptop died and I lost a lot of my favorites and whatnot which helped for info with the site, I've been stressing like crazy, and all kinds of things have hurt me emotionally :/ I just need to relax for a bit and without my directory of "Subaru-Luna awesomeness", I can't find too much to update with anyway. I'll get the chapter up soon, but for now, updates will be a bit slow. I apologize in advance. On the laptop situation (I'm using my mom's right now), it seems I'll need a new one and we'll have to transfer the files, but it's all a mess right now...
March 12th, 2008 - Well, if you guys have been paying attention, you'll know that I have added a few more things to the Icons/Banners section and the fan art section. More will probably come to each which is why I didn't announce them yet, but I figured I'd just do it anyway. Oh, and Happy Birthday to my mother who is 45 today :D Yay birthdays. (And no, I don't care if this is off topic XP)
March 11th, 2008 - Hello fellow SubaruXLuna/GeoXLuna fans! Or...if you're not fans of them, then Hi scary stalkers who hate the site. Moving on, if you've been watching the last few hours, you've probably noticed a few additions... ^_^ For one, we have a new 100x100 icon and a new other sized banner in the Icons/Banners section! Yay! We also have TWO new wallpapers, while no Luna spoofs, they are amazingly drawn wallpapers of Subaru and one of Subaru and Luna together. Finally, the fan art page has gotten a huge amount of additions of wonderful artwork and I'm still scouting for more! In a different note, we have a new affiliate so I hope you all will check out their blog. Remember, if you'd like to afiliate, just ask! I'm too shy to ask myself and there's a 99% chance I'll say yes!
March 10th, 2008 - Chapter 2 for Behind Olive Eyes is now up! ^_^
March 8th, 2008 (yet again) - Today is just full of updates, isn't it? But yeah, a few additions to the image galleries, specially the Luna, Subaru, and Group ones. You can find the new additions on the first page rather than the last as I'm making it so each art gallery page has 15 rather than 12 and I'm too lazy to move them >> So I'm just going to be adding new additions a bit weirdly, but yes, enjoy! XD
March 8th, 2008 (once more) - Another fan art update :D Not much else to say other than that, but yes, I hope you guys like the newest additions!
March 8th, 2008 (again) - Thanks to PrimoPiccolo at DATs, I finally got the emulator and ROM thing understood which means...GAME SCREENSHOTS :D YAY. I've added some for now, so I hope everybody enjoys! This means I can also check for anything I may have missed in game first-time around (proof-wise that is >> *bricked*) ^-^
March 8th, 2008 - Another member added to the fan listing! ^___^ I feel so accomplished XD
March 7th, 2008 - Another new wallpaper up :D Enjoy~
March 6th, 2008 - New fanfiction up ^_^ That's about it.
March 5th, 2008 - Hey guys! We have a nice sort of big update today ^_^ 4 Wallpapers have been added to the download section. Spoofs of the Misora wallpapers with Luna because Luna rocks :D And doesn't get enough love :( Except from the perverted communities which kind of disturbs me... MOVING ON! We have them featuring Luna in the same outfit Misora wore and are in the process of adding them that have Luna with a few changes to make it a bit more unique. The V-Day slightly-changed one is already up, to get you the idea. The Monochrome will probably have the biggest changes, but I'll just shut up and have you wait and see. Besides wallpapers, we also have some new fan art! Yep, fan art, because fan art rocks and it seriously needed some new content XD But yes, enjoy! ^_^ I hope you guys like the new additions.
March 3rd, 2008 (again) - Chapter 12 of Two Years is up which means Two Years is now done :D I hope you all enjoyed it.
March 3rd, 2008 - Another fanlisting update! Yep, we got another new member. I'll also try and update Two Years today, but I can't promise it. I haven't been feeling way lately so... :/ But I hope I can manage to finish it sometime this week~
March 2nd, 2008 - We got a new member to the fan listing :D So we've hit the mini-milestone of 15 ^_^ Next "big" milestone is 25, then 50, then 75, then 100, then 200, and so on... XD
March 1st, 2008 - Chapter 3 of a Helping Hand is up! ^-^ So check that out if you have a chance!
February 27th, 2008 (again) - Another new fanfiction up in our fanfic section ^_^ Brought to you by our anonymous friend! This fanfiction has a lot more "mature" content, so please be aware of that before reading! Her author's note says more on that, so check it out.
February 27th, 2008 - Chapter 10 of Two Years is FINALLY up. I'm so sorry for the delay guys, but this chapter honestly put me through heck and back :/ Moving on, some people have been expressing concern over the rumors of RnR ending, so I have a few things to say about this. It's more of the anime rather than the game, so don't worry completely yet ^^; Even if both end, the site WILL remain up. Similarly, even if Luna and Subaru do not end up together at the end, the site will stay :3 So please, don't worry, and just think positive!
February 23rd, 2008 - Two new images of Luna have been added to her gallery, both from episode 16. Speaking of episode 16, if anybody could give me a translation of like the last two minutes, I'd be very grateful XD *bricked* But yeah, enjoy the two new images ^_^
February 21st, 2008 - Two new icons added ^_^ Well, sort of. It's actually the same icon, just two versions: one still and one animated :3
February 20th, 2008 (again) - New member added to the fan listing! ^_^
February 20th, 2008 - Chapter 9 of Two Years is up :3.
February 16th, 2008 - Some new screenshots from episode 15 have been added to the image gallery ^_^ So check out the group section, Luna section, and Subaru section!
February 15th, 2008 (again) - A new AMV has been added now too :D Yay!
February 15th, 2008 - I hope everybody had a great Valentine's Day! We have a bunch of new icons up thanks to Melissa :D So check those out. Also, make sure to check out GRN's new layout using the super cute image that Melissa did an awesome coloring job on! ^___^
February 12th, 2008 (again) - The big fanfiction update is now done! If you checked earlier and saw fanfics missing, this is why XD Luckily, they're all there and now you can review stories! Feel free to leave a review ^_^ On each story/chapter!
February 12th, 2008 - Two new fanfiction additions! :D So check those out when you have a chance~
February 11th, 2008 - 1 New addition to the Doujinshi gallery. Updates will be slow for a bit.
February 10th, 2008 (again) - As to make up for the lack of fanfiction-ness today for those who were looking forward to it, I've added some more images to the Luna, Subaru, and Group Galleries. I figured I should add some official artwork rather than just the screenshots so I hope people enjoy that~ I also added a Sprite Gallery. Right now it just holds the one sprite of Luna hugging Subaru and their sprite sheets, but I hope to eventually get actual images of the game sooner or later to add to it, so keep checking back as if I find some tonight (I'm about to go look), I'll be adding them :P It's going to center mostly on Luna and Subaru/Rockman screenshots though...as otherwise we'd have more or less the whole game in that section :(
February 10th, 2008 - Another little update to the Doujinshi Gallery. Updates will be a bit slow today and sadly, there may be no new chapters of Two Years today as I have a lot to prepare, so I apologize to anybody who was looking forward to it!
February 9th, 2008 (yet again) - Chapter 8 of Two Years is finally done and up. It fails at stuff, but still gets the other plot started so yay.
February 9th, 2008 (once more) - A few more images added to the image gallery. This time to the Subaru Gallery, the Luna Gallery, and the Group One ^_^ Yay for Episode 14 (which I love and hate at the same time).
February 9th, 2008 (again) - Some new doujinshi images added to the Doujinshi section in the image gallery :3 That's about it for right now.
February 9th, 2008 - Fan listing update :D We got a new member bringing us up to 13! ^_^ Yay! ...Yes, I'm aware I say yay a lot. My site, my yay's, so there >> Just enjoy the content. Nobody said the updates need to make sense.
February 8th, 2008 (again) - Chapter 7 of Two Years up~ Yay.
February 8th, 2008 - Chapter 6 of Two Years Added. Yeah, I'm going to kill my cousin, but hey, this means Chapter 7 may be added later...still...definitely need to hurt him for the reason I'm up right now T___T
February 8th, 2008 - A new fanfiction added! ^_^ I hope everybody checks it out :D And I'm happy to announce we've officially hit 5...even though one is mine >> But still! Also, another image added to the Support section under "Other Sizes" :D
February 7th, 2008 (once more) - New affiliation! Yay! :D We're now affiliated with ToadMan.EXE's Blog! ^_^
February 7th, 2008 (again) - Chapter 5 up of Two Years and at a reasonable time. Yay :P
February 7th, 2008 - Chapter 4 up of Two Years...I'm going to go pass out on my bed now as it's 4:30AM and I feel sick :D Night people.
February 6th, 2008 (again) - More support banners for the other section have been added~
February 6th, 2008 - Chapter 3 of Two Years is up ^_^
February 5th, 2008 (Once more) - 2 new members added to the fanlisting :D Yay.
February 5th, 2008 (yet again) - Chapter 2 of Two Years, the newest fanfiction in the fanfiction section, is now up ^_^
February 5th, 2008 (again) - Yep, another update! We got another new fanfiction :D This one happens to be by me and will have a few chapters~ So for now, chapter one is up and if I feel like it, I may get some other chapters up too.
February 5th, 2008 - Two updates! ^_^ One, a new fanfiction in the fanfic section :D So everybody should check that out~ Plus, the SubaruXLuna DA club is up (more or less) and you may get to it under the Fan section. If you have a DeviantART Account, make sure to join! We'd love to have you there :3
February 4th, 2008 (once more) - HYPERUPDATESRETURN! Yeah, I was a bit depressed earlier, so it was a sad miserable entry :( But anyway, I'll move on to this update: Another new fanlisting member! AND GUESS WHAT! IT BRINGS US UP TO 10! :D What does this mean? It means we have hit our first milestone! Yay us! Yay WSA! Yay Subaru and Luna! YAY! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
February 4th, 2008 (again) - Not much this time, just a new "other size" banner added to the icon-banner support section thingy... I figured the section was looking lonely so it's probably good that something else is there now.
February 4th, 2008 - More updates! Yay! *worked very hard to do this before sleep* Anyway, I got hints up for episodes 11-13. As the episodes aren't subbed yet and my Japanese knowledge is limited, some speaking-based hints may be off or wrong, however, I did my best~ When these are subbed, the hints will be corrected and perfected at that time, I just couldn't stand letting the episodes pass and not updating when I knew stuff was there >> Moving on, I also did some screen caps! Yeees...I know they're not very good :( But I hope you guys enjoy them anyway. Besides that, a few more icons were added to the Support Icon/Banner page and we got a new member to the fan listing :D So yay! That is all ^_^
February 3rd, 2008 (again) - Just some new icons and support banners added to the support section :D But still, yay for updates~ Also, another hint as been added to the website section ^_^ Hopefully if my Japanese lessons go well next much, I can get more from the site other than just wallpaper and whatnot XD
February 3rd, 2008 - Well, it is Super Bowl Sunday, I'm not really a huge fan of football (And by football, I mean American football, not Soccer, just wanted to get that out their for any Europe people and whatnot), but my dad is and he's having a party and I'm stuck cooking XP BUT in a happy note, a new fanfiction has been added! ^_^ The same girl who submitted our first story submitted aother in honor of Valentine's day! So I hope you all will check that out and enjoy it~ Remember, there is no such thing as too much fanfiction or fan anything, so feel free to submit stuff throuh the contact page!
February 2nd, 2008 - Happy Groundhog's day everyone! It seems we'll be having 6 more weeks of winter, but at least Phil the groundhog is cute, right? >> Yeah... Moving on, the fan art section was updated ^_^ Melissa decided to color one of the super cute doujinshi images so I added it to the fan art section, so I'd encourage everybody to check it out as she did an AWESOME job. It's where the art used in the newest icons and support banner came from :3 So yes, I've been trying to figure out a way to show everybody the awesome full job she did, but I didn't think the doujinshi section was proper for it, so I finally thought of a way :D But yes, enjoy everyone!
February 1st, 2008 - First update of the new month :D Woo. Just some more icons added to the support image section ^^; But now there's some more 50x50 ones rather than just 100x100 ones :3 And one new support banner too. So hopefully that helps. I'll be doing more sizes sooner or later~
January 31st, 2008 - Well, a new category has been added to the image page. One for Doujinshi. Doujinshi is sort of a cross between official and fan-art as people do buy it and stuff and it's used for many things. I was lucky enough to find someone who gave me the scans of all the non-hentai pages of one of the few RnR Doujinshi's. Please realize though that Doujinshi's tend to have a lot of "sexual innuendo" so if you are under 13, I'd advise you not to click. I did try to censor as much as I could, but I can not read Kanji so I can't tell if anything bad was said, but I did remove some. If somebody can read Kanji and if you see something bad, please let me know and I'll remove it~
January 27th, 2008 - Yay! Fanlisting update :D I feel so successful T~T <3
January 26th, 2008 - Well, thanks to Matze's SUPERAWESOMEHELPNESS, we finally struck gold and he found something in Luna's transer! Yay! :D So check that out in the game proof section under the Ophiuca Arc~ Woo <3
January 22nd, 2008 - Not much to say, but we have gotten another affiliate! :D Yay. So check them out in the link section! (And look, no rambling :P)
January 20th, 2008 - We are officially affiliated with Geo Rockman! ISN'T THAT AWESOME?! Yes, I am easy to please, but I just feel special since we were asked and stuff and yes T~T Yes, I am too shy to ask people, but for anybody reading this, feel free to ask, I'll probably say yes! But yeah, that's the only update right now sadly :( BUT as always, I shall keep you updated with ANYTHING I find! Except RnR2 stuff, because as much awesome stuff I find about the game that proves things, I'm too much of a perfectionist to put it in without a script. I am aware I have issues...and the tendency to ramble...I'll shut up now.
January 12th, 2008 (again) - A new proof section has been added ^_^ A general section under the "Misc." which is more or less basically research and more indept on things as simple as a character's name to their past and how that could prove something. As these are basically speculation and research, they are of course not official, but they are interesting things you may not notice otherwise. As always, if you feel you have something to share, just let me know :D Also, more fanart added~
January 12th, 2008 - ^___^ I'm sure everybody remembers my last update, right? ...Forgetting the fact that it's right below this one, but anyway, Matze from DATs offered to help me out and try going through his game and checking for things :D Which means the game section WILL be 100% complete eventually! Yay! Also, I heard some awesome things about RnR2, but will not be updating the proof page about it :( I don't know "specifics" so I can't really list everything properly, not to mention I lack the script so again, I wouldn't be able to be 100% with everything ^^; Just from what I heard, and as I rather not overhaul the page (or accidently spoil it for people waiting for the US game like I am), I will be keeping these to myself until the game comes out and then list all the specific awesomeness it holds. :D
January 11th, 2008 - Well, I'm completely stupid and missed things so more proof of stuff added :D If I didn't hate replaying games so much and didn't want to accidently erase my file, I'd replay this so I can give information HANDS-ON! But...again, paranoia and whatnot, so unless I get the money to buy another Starforce game, I will sadly feel imperfect to be the site manager, but I still shall manage the site with plenty of TLC (Tender loving care) and support =D Speaking of which, some new screenshots added ^_^
January 9th, 2008 - Guess what everyone! :D We finally got a fanfic in the fanfiction section T~T Yay for somebody finally submitting! This also means every section of the site now has something, so lets rejoice as now the site is COMPLETE! Well, sort of. XD
January 8th, 2008 (again) - I made an error page! So now, if you ever get lost or linked wrong, Luna will help ya out :D But yes...that's about it... >> Also, as each new episode gets subbed and whatnot, I will be updating the proof page if I see anything...proofable :P So make sure to keep checking back there if interested~ As I won't always update this when I do ^^;
January 8th, 2008 - All the screenshots are up! ^_^ I also added a Contact Page which I hope will make it easier to get in touch with me. Also, the fanlisting has been updated and there's a new Past Updates page! You can only get to it from the bottom of this update section.
January 7th, 2008 (again) - In Addition the new images being added, I have changed the Proof section a bit. Instead of it continuing from the least number on each episode, I've made it so each episode starts at one to make it easier for you guys to see exactly how much proof there is in the episode without counting each sentence AND so it's easier for me to update if I accidently missed something that was in an early on episode. I hope everybody likes this format a bit better ^_^
January 7th, 2008 - You'll be seeing several images added tonight and over the next few days to the Image Gallery ^_^ Why? Because On Air (Being the super awesome nice people they are) said I may use some of their screenshots over here as my screenshot skills lack...skill. Anyway, moving on, I'm incredibly excited as I feel this will be my first site with a full-out image gallery T~T I mean, Megaman/Rockman fans are officially awesome in my eyes. I haven't met a group of fans that are so. incredibly. nice. I mean, it was the nice people while I was waiting on line at Gamestop to get the autograph for my boyfriend in August that made the wait not so bad...and...I'll stop rambling now because this is a fansite and I'm sure nobody cares about this :D But yes, due to their OMGAWESOMENESS, I have added a link to their site to ^_^ While their site isn't completely up, check it out a bit and see their forums too. I highly recommend it.
January 6th, 2008 - Added a few more icons for now ^-^ Yay.
January 5th, 2008 - A lot of the screenshots now have credit listed, so check that out ^_^ And we have a new section :D The download section! Which already has a music video in it for you people to hopefully luff and enjoy, but yes, we hope you enjoy the new page and will contribute to it in the future!
January 4th, 2008 - More stuff added to the Support Page and 2 new members added to the fanlisting! YAY!
January 3rd, 2008 (again) - Well, I got some screenshots up along with a few more things in the Support Page ^_^ Which means the site is now completely running and done! The site will be updated as we get more content, but When Stars Align is 100% complete so YAY! XD
Janury 3rd, 2008 - All the proof pages are now done and up. I will be adding stuff for Season 2 of the anime each time I watch an episode (However, only the 1st episode is dubbed at the moment so that's as much as I could do). Remember, if you noticed something I didn't, let me know! I'll be working on doing screenshots and graphics for the other empty parts of the site, and if you'd like to contribute anything, again, please let me know. Thanks in advance and I hope you all enjoy the site!
December 30th, 2007 - Hello again! ^_^ I've gotten up more to the page, but sadly, have to bake for tomorrow now so I still have the rest of the "The End Arc" to go. Hopefully the amount of hints though due to Libra and Ophiuca will make up for it though! Not to mention the few in the Gemini Arc as well.
December 29th, 2007 - Hey guys! I'm still alive. It's just the holiday season so it gets busy XD Anyway, I've gotten up some of the hints (Up to halfway into the "Libra Arc") for the game, so you guys can check that out. I hope to finish all the game hints tomorrow or Monday and then work on the anime hints. If you have anything I missed, would like to contribute something, or know where I can read a subtitled script of the game, PLEASE let me know (My e-mail is in the disclaimer. Just click my name)! Thank you! ^_^
December 21st, 2007 - New fan art added! YAY! :D
December 19th, 2007 - All pages are now up ^_^ But content is still being added. At least everything works though XD
December 18th, 2007 - Main page, Subaru's Page, Luna's Page, the Why? Page, the Fan Listing page, and the Link to Us page are up~
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