Luna Wallpaper Project
Welcome to the Luna Wallpaper Project section! This is a project that's dedicated to creating edited versions of Capcom's official Misora wallpapers. These wallpapers obviously feature Luna instead of Misora, as is implied by the name of the project. :P However, besides just putting Luna in Misora's outift, we also have versions that go even further by customizing the outfits to make them look more Luna-like. :D This includes changing the colors of the clothing, removing Misora-related things (such as her FM-ian, Harp), and many other things.
Since people are sure to have different ideas for the customized outfits, we accept multiple versions of these wallpapers. :) We also accept wallpapers that weren't originally a Misora wallpaper, but are done in the same style as the Misora wallpaper (which you can see examples of in the Fan Ideas section). So please send us your Luna wallpapers! And for those wondering, the font used is Arial Rounded Size 15. ^_^ Note: As usual, you may hover over the wallpapers to find out who made them. Merikuri Santa Style | Blooming China | Sweet Valentine | Cutie Monotone | Honey Bee | Fuka Fuka Good Night | Wedding Party | SUMMER VACATION | Nihon-no Natsu | Fan Ideas Merikuri Santa StyleBlooming ChinaSweet ValentineCutie MonotoneHoney BeeFuka Fuka Good NightWedding PartyNihon-no NatsuSUMMER VACATIONFan Ideas